
No Chain-case drain plug is stupid if you ask me..
My buddy has a 2012 XF Turbo pro cross. We bitch one off every fall when we do the pre season mantinance. I'd like to meet the moron engineer at cat that designed the chain case. Drain plug ? Who needs that!!!!!!!
OK...correct me if I'm wrong but weren't the chaincase failures due to the reverse randomly trying to engage? Starter p/n is the same on Vipers (14-16) and Vectors (10-16) per the fiche so if something was updated, the p/n stayed the same (?).

I guess I need to hear what testing or ?? has been done to prove (as best as possible given it's a new sled) that the chaincase is capable of handling the HP? If the reasoning is that it handled the 1100 Turbo then I guess that's my answer.
Mrsled, myself, stingray, yamadog, and plenty of others are all running well over 200hp on the vipers. I think I remember Mrsled having a chaincase issue a while back but don't remember what it was. One issue was the wobble bearing and I think the 16 Jackshaft did away with that. I believe it was the starter gear that changed on the 16 viper
I thought I answered this.. New Chain and Gears, No chain case drain plug, same reverse, new starter with the new motor.
Yes, sorry. I posted this before I read all of the info and videos that you had made available.
Mrsled, myself, stingray, yamadog, and plenty of others are all running well over 200hp on the vipers. I think I remember Mrsled having a chaincase issue a while back but don't remember what it was. One issue was the wobble bearing and I think the 16 Jackshaft did away with that. I believe it was the starter gear that changed on the 16 viper

Mine was due to cranking the crap out of the chain tensioner per the wrong spec in the owner manual. 5000 miles since with zero problems. I have 4400 miles on my NA XTX with zero issues and still running the stock Hyfax.
Mine was due to cranking the crap out of the chain tensioner per the wrong spec in the owner manual. 5000 miles since with zero problems. I have 4400 miles on my NA XTX with zero issues and still running the stock Hyfax.
That was probably the cause of most of the early chaincase problems
There thinking you need to take off the cover to clean off the magnet for the speedo. If you just suck the oil out of the cover you don't get the steel shavings off the magnet.
My buddy has a 2012 XF Turbo pro cross. We bitch one off every fall when we do the pre season mantinance. I'd like to meet the moron engineer at cat that designed the chain case. Drain plug ? Who needs that!!!!!!!

Could the chaincase be modded somehow to add a drain plug?
It's a magnesium case, I've seen guys drill a hole in the case and either put in a two piece drain plug (IE inner and outer shoulder with gaskets) or take a round slug of magnesium drill and tap the center with a plug and have it tig welded to the back side of the case. Either job is a PITA.
