Data Log Sample - Feedback

You can see the lack of traction for the 24/50 combo after the first 60' in the shape of the acceleration data.

What is the the relevance of the vertical axis in dragy? Are those just showing 25% progress against time to reach the quarter mile? Thats what it looks like. Are there options in dragy for how those lines are drawn? They also really need a filter on the acceleration data.
On Mike Knapp's and Yamamarc's advice I have been datalogging quite a bit since last winter....I honestly don't know how I got along not using it.
It actually is very simple once I started using it.
Here's a sample from yesterday on approx a 10 second run on the 300 tune. I had 1 oz of Boostane/gallon but still not enough as sled was pulling timing and also a bit lean at over 12:1 AFR. You also can see the closed loop is adding well over 20% more fuel then sled would have got without it!
127mph on the data log was 122 on the GPS...not bad on a relatively short run with a 1 3/4 track...but that's about it for top end.
Closed loop is a must IMO.

data log.PNG
One oz is like nothing no wonder it wasnt enough.
One oz is like nothing no wonder it wasnt enough.

It's plenty using the Professional Boostane. I typically add only 3 oz per 10 gallons.

.3 degree of timing being pulled is nothing. It's when it starts getting up into the .7 and up over 1 degree when you'd need to up the usage IMO. But the fuel being that lean would take that down to nothing if you get the A/F into the high 11's low 12's. Needs a bit more fuel for that boost level on this tune to get that little bit of timing being pulled down to nothing.

The Dash will flash at you somewhere north of 4 Degrees of timing being pulled.

Data logging is invaluable to tune these sleds, otherwise its like pissing in the wind. The gauge is all but worthless to tune the 998's actually.
Do you have a bigger fuel pump ?
Do you have a bigger fuel pump ?
Yes I have Hurricanes fuel pump/regulator upgrade, I return the fuel to the slipper, and I have fuel pump harness/relay upgrade as well. I have an adjustable fuel regulator but have yet to install it.
What's the range of the fuel multipliers?
Mine runs about 95 at wide open throttle.
Do you guys adjust fuel pressure to run 100 at wide open?
What's the range of the fuel multipliers?
Mine runs about 95 at wide open throttle.
Do you guys adjust fuel pressure to run 100 at wide open?
The most fuel correction factor I have seen is 25% in the cold weather so I believe that is the limit.
My sled is always over 100% on high throttle settings and well under 100% typically when just cruising.
Which O2 module do you run?
I changed the O2 sensor on my AEM system this year and it seems the fuel correction factor went up as well...but I am not positive.
