Does anyone from Yamaha read our posts?

In case anyone from Yamaha is reading:

Hey guys, please bring back something like the Bravo and Enticer, in the smaller displacement class. The current 120 and 200 aren't big enough, and there's not much in between those sizes and the full sled sizes that fills the gap that the Bravos and Enticers did. The Bravos and Enticers more or less created and are still sustaining a huge cultural niche in Canada. Then things got big and expensive. Yamaha slayed sled sales back in the 80s because they had affordable, practical sleds. Not everyone wants the massive and powerful sleds that dominate today, especially for their kids. I think we lost something or some vision in the 90s.

My 2 cents.
I bet that came from warranty claims and dealer feedback from customers.
Bingo totally agree...anyone that test rode the SS told their dealer that the SS was very harsh. I know I did. Lol. I didn’t see very much posted on TY that said any different but info was very limited since not many were sold.
Wait.....I think they have been listening. You guys wanted a rider forward suspension, Apex, Nytro then Viper. You guys were wanting a factory Turbo.....and they delivered BIG time. If you recall there have been many hurdles, poor winters, poor economy etc.
R&D of a new sled does not happen in one year, it takes a few years to do this, then something happens to get in the way as mentioned above. Don't count them out yet, however we need several other things to happen, which may never like getting back to great winters and money coming out of our a$$
Do they read and listen? I think they do but does it encourage them to do anything? Lets take probably the biggest complaint that we all have including the rag writers, SKI'S! What have they done?
In case anyone from Yamaha is reading:

Hey guys, please bring back something like the Bravo and Enticer, in the smaller displacement class. The current 120 and 200 aren't big enough, and there's not much in between those sizes and the full sled sizes that fills the gap that the Bravos and Enticers did. The Bravos and Enticers more or less created and are still sustaining a huge cultural niche in Canada. Then things got big and expensive. Yamaha slayed sled sales back in the 80s because they had affordable, practical sleds. Not everyone wants the massive and powerful sleds that dominate today, especially for their kids. I think we lost something or some vision in the 90s.

My 2 cents.

I agree! Would love to see fan cooled four stroke enticers and bravos. There will be no one in the sport in the future to buy the high end sidewinder class sleds if there are no affordable fun sleds for young and new adult riders to buy now.
I agree! Would love to see fan cooled four stroke enticers and bravos. There will be no one in the sport in the future to buy the high end sidewinder class sleds if there are no affordable fun sleds for young and new adult riders to buy now.
With all the different motorsports they are in they have to have a a decent air/fan cooled engine that’s in the 30-40hp range and would suit snowmobiles. The main reason manufactures haven’t addressed that market is that there are still a lot of old 340/440/500 fan cooled sleds with “decent” suspension which are great for kids at a cheap price. Quick look on Craigslist shows quite a few 440/500 Xtra 10 equipt Indy’s for sale under 800$
When my Son was young the MiniZ was just introduced, I put him on that and after the first season I changed the gearing, glass pack muffler and the governor modification. That thing would run 24 mph and we rode local trails, just had to carry spare gas since fuel tank was so small, he had a blast.
I wish the SRX 120 was out then as well as the Snoscoot, so I moved him to a Bravo, then onto a VMax 500 Deluxe and then he made it to his RX1. I wish he had time to ride, he has not the last few years which I really miss.
The MiniZ and Bravo were kept and several of my grand kids cycled through them and all of them had a ball.
I agree there are lots of older smaller sleds to start them on, and in real nice shape.
Bravo.jpg track 006.jpg
Do they listen? "Please yamaha release a factory turbo" DONE "Please release a new chassis that doesn't weigh 700lbs" DONE "Please build the highest HP motor it would be so easy for your Yamaha" DONE "Please send us handwarmers that work" DONE

I think they listen. Just cause your viper doesn't work or the 20 others on this site that are complaining doesn't mean the other thousands are NOT. Remember you are seeing and hearing complaints and problems of the MINORITY on this site.

Now if they could respond faster it would be great. Be nice to see on these spring order ONLY pushes they are starting where I could order without skis or pick new shocks, etc and almost turn them into a custom Yamaha vs trying to standardize models that in the past were meant to sit on the show room floor in hundreds of locations. Then I would consider a spring order.
Keep hearing skis, skis, skis???? I run stock skis with dual carbides and love them. Maybe if I rode another sled with another brand of ski might change my opinion, however I am very happy with how my Apex runs and handles stock. JMHO
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I agree! Would love to see fan cooled four stroke enticers and bravos. There will be no one in the sport in the future to buy the high end sidewinder class sleds if there are no affordable fun sleds for young and new adult riders to buy now.
That is exactly what they should build! Make it simple! Throw the strut suspension on the front, the VK540 still has it. Basically build the old phazer again with more of a forward seating position. Would this be that hard to do? How far off in left field do you all think I am here?
We have to get new people in the sport or it will be gone!
Listen to this. Please release a new 150hp turbo to compete with the 900 ace
Listen to this. Please release a new 150hp turbo to compete with the 900 ace
Ha ha. Surely this is sarcasm.
Buy a Winder and lower the boost about 4lbs....voila.
