Engine Cuts Out

check your throttle slack....my viper was tight and would do this on occasion ...was setting tors off

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I'll take a guess... a frozen boost solenoid..line?
How do you give the throttle more slack?? I'll try anything. My dealer said I'm the first he's heard of it...
at the trottle block assembly...loosen nut and twist....but most know what TORS is and and acts like...from the accounts...doesnt sound like the machine gun missing of the TORS
Ok. I'll look. It seems very intermittent, and just like the above posts, mine does it anywhere from 40-60, and stab it, but not every time. No codes, no lights, just "quits" & goes & quits & goes
TORS was one of the first things I thought of when it first cut out. I checked my free-play in the cable after it happened the second time and it was fine.
TORS was one of the first things I thought of when it first cut out. I checked my free-play in the cable after it happened the second time and it was fine.

So you are saying you dont believe it is TORS then correct?

I pulled over and shut the sled off to check the throttle. It has more than enough slack.
Ok. I'll look. It seems very intermittent, and just like the above posts, mine does it anywhere from 40-60, and stab it, but not every time. No codes, no lights, just "quits" & goes & quits & goes
are you holding throttle down all the time and it recovers or backing off and re throttling?
What's up? Engine cuts out under hard acceleration and even backfired. No codes showing and runs fine when accelerating easy. You almost get thrown off, starts to pull really hard and cuts out.

This happened to me only twice back to back on a long pull then never again, assumed it was the knock sensor.
With respect to electrical and aS stupid as this may sound, check the seating of the fuses in the fuse block. Almost all of mine were barely seated and one fuse was just sitting in the grove. Make sure that they're all properly seated and pushed down into their appropriate spaces in the block...worth a try anyway.

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I was at my local dealer this PM, no knowledge of this at all. Its a issue, more than one case being reported here. A solution will be found. Only dealer thought was TPS, happened to Apex's and Vector's in past.
