FAQ: How To - DriveShaft/JackShaft bearing"REGREASE" Step by step

I usually run a zip tie around the bars and brake lever when doing work on the secondary. Run it tight enough to hold and you can just compress the brake lever and slip it off the lever.
Thanks Viper Dave and Steiner for the tip applying the hand brake the secondary came off no problem.
Microfiche shows there are two shims and a washer between bolt and secondary? I only had the one shim and washer, am I missing one?
Measure Your offset between the primary and the secondary.
It's supposed to be 15 mm. +/- 1.5 mm.
If you're Within the tolerance you're OK
push the secondary into the Jack shaft, use a caliper and measure the distance between the inside of the primary stationary sheave and the inside sheave of the secondary clutch. It should read between 13.5 mm. and 16.5 mm. spec is 15.0 mm +/- 1.5 mm
now that the snow is gone here.
was just reading thru these posts , seems to be some confusion between driveshaft bearing and the jackshaft bearing . jackshaft bearing is behind secondary clutch on the same shaft and is much harder to replace .
Yes it is some work, but easy to do With the right tool.
The procedure is found in my rxrider's turbo garage thread.
Link in my signature.
I followed rxrider instructions, made my own tool, and when I had finished, found that it was actually quite easy to do.
Pure fear! I have read this many times and I'm a newbie. Changed the exhaust donuts but this looks hard. My Apex has 5200 miles on it and I'm not sure if these have ever been checked. The difficult part looks like the side with the chain case. I saw pictures online on removing the chain case and replacing the lower bearing. It looks hard.
Im not sure,as I havent done one....but it looks like it can be PULLED off the shaft...someone else may chime in here whos done one...

just another reason to grease it....since this will reduce the chance of ever having to change it.

Hi, having trouble removing the bearings on the clutch side of the sled behind speedo. Even tried a puller but the puller was small with metal stamped fingers going behind it. Tried some heat, nothing. What else to try and remove the bearing?
Are you talking about the left drive shaft bearing?
There are two torx set screws on the bearing, you need to access them from inside the tunnel.
Loosen the set screws and you can remove the bearing :-)
Are you talking about the left drive shaft bearing?
There are two torx set screws on the bearing, you need to access them from inside the tunnel.
Loosen the set screws and you can remove the bearing :)

I wish you lived nearby! I owe you a beer. Your totally correct. The garage is starting to get cold and I'm nowhere near being done.
You may find all you need in rxrider turbo garage thread, link in my signature.


Thanks, there is a lot there in your site. I'm trying to change the lower bearings on both sides of the sled, clutch and chaincase. It seems I need a 37mm wrench to remove the jackshaft however I can't find a wrench that large. Been to 3 stores. Also, even if I get it off where would a buy a deep well socket so I could get a torque wrench on it? It s a Yamaha Apex 2006
