FAQ: How To - DriveShaft/JackShaft bearing"REGREASE" Step by step

Roger, i've edited my post and added a few more hints :-)
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Thanks for the tips.
I figured there must be a way of changing that bearing without removing the other side. I like the homemade tools, great idea.

What did you use to loosen the nut behind the bearing?

Thanks again.

A long screwdriver, tapped it with a hammer
10-4, that's what I was hoping for. I think I'll get it apart tomorrow.

Thanks for all the info.

To take secondary off:
remove belt
use brake to lock shaft.
remove bolt holding secondary to the shaft.
release brake.
keep track of the washers and spacers.
slide secondary off splined shaft.
Thanks rxrider.

Got that bearing out this morning, without removing any part of the chaincase. I made a tool similar to yours. I tried to remove the bearing without heating up the bearing housing, no go. I heated up the housing for 5 minutes with a heat gun, like you said, and it popped right out.

Thanks again.
Roger - great news, they can be a pain to get out.
The tool was made by a good friend of mine who is an auto mechanic and also drives heavy road construction machines for a living. The tool was welded onto the tip of a slide hammer. Heating does the trick :-)

Check your drive bearings

Checked my 05 RS Vector last night. 2500 miles Bearing was almost out of grease. What was left was white and dry. With bearing sitting on the bench water came out as it warmed up.
I had a new one just in case and put it in. This job is not hard at all. I also popped the cover off the jack shaft bearing and it needed grease but was not too bad.

Tonight I will do my Attak also.

I met an RX 1 last year on the trail with a breakdown because of this.

Tip: I loosened the track so the shaft was easier to align to put the bearing back in. I put the center bolt that holds the speedo gear in the shaft and used a socket on that nut with an extention on it to help center the shaft in the bulkhead hole to slide the bearing right back in.

Thanks Rockerdan and all the others for the info. Just finished doing mine and it was a breeze. Took the advice of sledneck22 and made a custom grease tip out of a zerk fitting and an air needle used to blow up footballs, and it worked perfect. Fit right in the gap between the balls and the retainer. Hardest part was getting the bearing covers back on, but once I decided to use the rubber handle of my snap ring pliers they popped right on. Thanks to all for the info and especially the pics, they were the cats #*$&@.This site is the greatest. Wouldn't have tried it myself without the help. Keep it up!
Did the Attak last night. Same deal. Easy job. The bottom one was without grease and had begun to have play in it. The jackshaft bearing was dry!! Im going to get a needle set up as well, great idea. The hardest part was getting the dam belt back on! Maybe Im not a strong as I used to be??

Thanks to all ,, this site rocks! :4STroke:
I would replace the bearing that has play in it soon, that means it is worn out.
OH yeah, I did replace the lower one on both my sleds. I just greased the jackshaft bearing.
I will replace them also in the spring as they were pretty clean, just not much grease in there. They dont get all the water in them like the lower one does....
In Canada we have a store that's called "PRINCESS AUTO". They have a lot of weird, unique items for very reasonable prices. One of them is a syringe (needle) attached to a grease nipple (zerk). It's $2.99. Here is a link. Cut and paste it, and you'll see this simple, cheap, fantastic tool.

http://www.princessauto.com/search-prod ... ase+needle
My bottom speedo bearing is shot and needs to be replaced. When l took it apart the outer race came out along with some ball bearings and the inner race I cant take off. How are you guys taking these off so easy?
Yeah the needle greaser can be bought from any parts store such as Autozone or O'Rileys. They are about $2.99 here as well.
As for you Sled Dog.... Good luck Sounds like you may need to remove the entire driveshaft now :( If you are lucky with a buddies help you can heat it up good and get and inpact driver in the inner race to push it off the driveshaft with it still installed on the sled but that is pain in the A$S to do do with the sled on the ground or even on a lift with all the supports in the way.
If it were me I would probably get an 18 pack of cold ones and take all day saturday and just take the driveshaft out to get the inner race off.
Good luck to you.
