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Mar 13, 2007
central new york
How about starting a list of all the problems and the fixes covered by Yamaha warranty.... that way we can coordinate and all be on the same page when we talk to our dealer ...give as many specifics as possible .


Is the fan covered by warranty? The season is ending soon, and I only have a 1 year warranty. If the fan is covered, I would like to get one while I still can.
As somewhat of an aside, it drives both dealers and manufacturers nuts when people go into the shop and request that their sled/bike/whatever gets fixed because they have read on the internet that some other owners were having a problem.

Requests like that can work to a disadvantage to those folks actually experiencing the problem when the shops become skeptical as to whether or not the owner actually experienced the problem - or whether they just read about it on the internet and want the fix also...

I'm not suggesting that this is what the person who started the thread had in mind, but it does happen. I personally met someone who sold their brand new perfectly functioning motorcycle because they became obsessed with reading about every little problem that ever other owner in the world had - and assumed they had the same problems.

It's tempting to want every fix that could potentially help your sled from having an eventual problem, but don't assume your sled has every problem that any other sled has ever had.

I suggest we're all beter off if we work with a dealer we trust and expect that they will handle any reasonable problem that we experience. If you're real concerned - consider an extended warranty and that should increase your chances of getting access to solutions if/when problems do occur a couple of years down the road.
Point well taken... it was not my intension to "gang" up on the dealers . The internet it a very powerful communication tool, and not all dealers are as cooperative with problems as they should be, so the intent was to help out everyone involved with these new models when it comes to the problems that might have slipped through the cracks. If Yamaha stands behind one persons problem, they should stand behind every owners problem. When I talk to the three different dealers that I deal with (I own a lot of Yamaha stuff). they are way behind the information that we are all exposed to here on this site. I don't think that everyone should run into the dealer and demand that they get a free fan to help out with the overheating issue, but if that is the problem they are dealing with , and someone has had it covered under warranty, then I think they should take the information from this site and use it to get equal and fair treatment.

I fully agree with the not going to the dealer and trying to get something fixed unless it is really a problem, you will loose respect real fast. BTW.I have 400 miles on my fx with no problems to date.
Donmac - I see your point & and there's some merit to it, however - look at it from my point of view.
Due to the crappy winter we've had - I've had almost no chance to ride my FX. I'm reading about guys breaking their suspensions & the fact that there are new "updated" parts available. I've only got a 1 year warranty - what happens if mine breaks on the first ride next year? There's also rumored to be "improved" front suspension boots out there. I guess if Yamaha is providing these to other owners, I'd like to know why I shouldn't be entitled to the same?
my dealer replaced the little yammy emblem of the front of my fx that just decided to fall off one day. this is the only warrenty claim i have had to make all season. :yam:
doogie said:
my dealer replaced the little yammy emblem of the front of my fx that just decided to fall off one day. this is the only warrenty claim i have had to make all season. :yam:

Excactly the same for me :flag:
Side Panels: It seems to be more common for yamaha to cover the cost of the side panels. Mine were covered under warranty and the dealer has said many others have been as well.

He also keeps telling me that yamaha is coming out with a fix (fall of this year?) for people having overheating issues. Don't know what it could be but, if something does become available, I'll be in line.

donmac said:
I suggest we're all beter off if we work with a dealer we trust and expect that they will handle any reasonable problem that we experience. If you're real concerned - consider an extended warranty and that should increase your chances of getting access to solutions if/when problems do occur a couple of years down the road.

That's the stupidest thing I've read in a long time. How about we pool our knowledge and get things fixed before they strand us and we're off warranty!!!! Instead of paying for more warranty to cover existing defects!!!!
My dealer said I was the "only person", with overheating issues, and I must be riding crazy, because I busted the rear suspension 3 times. The above statement is a real piss-off to me as I lost three weeks of riding because yamaha couldn't be bothered sufficiently test their $9000.00 product.

Judging by what you wrote, It is quite likely that your dealer is a moron! Perhaps it is time to find another one. You could play for him the promo video that shows Jim Blaze jumping this thing 15 ft in the air and suggest that is why you bought the sled.

Isthatahemi_ said:
That's the stupidest thing I've read in a long time. ...
I'm not sure if you are old enough to have ever purchased a new car or truck, but - assuming you are - could you imagine going into a car/truck dealer and demanding a fix for a problem that, oh by the way, you have not actually experienced. They would very likely laugh you out of the building.

When an owner comes in and demands a fix for something they read about on the internet, but have not actually experienced, it is often called 'internet hysteria' – and it is a real problem for many service departments these days.

Internet forums are great for sharing problem, so other owners know what to look out for, and to help find solutions for problems before the manufacturers can respond – or for those who just like to work on their own sleds.

I've been running a board similar to this one (with a similar amount of members, for another type of vehicle) for about 7 years. If sanity prevails, dealers and manufacturers will pay attention and the forum can be of help to owners, dealers, and manufactures.

If the forum turns into a bunch of people demanding fixes for problems they have not experienced, it is not taken seriously. I'm not suggesting that will happen in this forum – but I was trying to point out that this thread could head in that direction.
Guys, don't worry about Hemi. He joined just yesterday to bash the phazer. I suspect he is "Phazerjunk" and has been kicked off this forum a couple of times.

Hemi, if I'm wrong, why did you join yesterday when you have 3100 miles and a whole list of grievances?
