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flat spot on driven roller

My father and I both have sidewinders how do I tell if I have a roller problem if I don't see any visits or flat spots on both our sleds with belt on two of the rollers are tight and don't spin but one spins very freely on both sleds thanks

even through the motor mounts?
Ya,i agree with shagman,the front of the motor mounts side to side with a long PIN or Bolt,so no front to rear movement there,the rear mounts to two welded on mounts to front of heatexchanger,so ctc is what ever these parts connected togeather make,and let me tell you,i will be the first to see just how they all fit togeather,sense mine is down all the ways,and those parts are or well be going back togeather if and when Yamaha gets parts in there fish.
This is probably a dumb question, but how do you find out if there's a flat spot, other than by actually taking the roller out? I have peeked at my secondary a couple of times, but haven't actually removed it. Looking at the helix, there are wear marks on all of the ramps. So, I know contact is being made. What else should I be looking for?
And I have asked both the dealer that I bought from and another local dealer if they've heard of any belt or roller issues. Not surprisingly, both answered no.
Just push in and turn the hub like changing a belt. Let the belt hold it open and rollers should spin freely.
So I just changed mine to the supreme tool rollers. Interesting though mine had no flat spots after 90 miles. I never ran mine at 60 degrees, it set it to 70 before I even rode it. I'm wondering if that kept things just a bit tighter resulting in better contact. Or maybe I just got lucky.
So I just changed mine to the supreme tool rollers. Interesting though mine had no flat spots after 90 miles. I never ran mine at 60 degrees, it set it to 70 before I even rode it. I'm wondering if that kept things just a bit tighter resulting in better contact. Or maybe I just got lucky.
I would agree with keeping thing a bit tighter. Still not perfect but better BlueByYou
Arctic dealer by me says part # for rollers is 0648-842 but others members are saying it is 0648-824.. which one is correct?
Arctic dealer by me says part # for rollers is 0648-842 but others members are saying it is 0648-824.. which one is correct?
haven't followed your posts, but if you are having some issues, buy better ones than the cats, lots of vendors here mentioned and i also ran the cats originally 40-50 miles. replaced with ulmers, much better quality..
haven't followed your posts, but if you are having some issues, buy better ones than the cats, lots of vendors here mentioned and i also ran the cats originally 40-50 miles. replaced with ulmers, much better quality..
Thanks for the info..I will contact ulmers.
Arctic dealer by me says part # for rollers is 0648-842 but others members are saying it is 0648-824.. which one is correct?

0648-824 is the correct roller.

Thanks for the help guys...I ordered a set of Ulmers, hopefully they arrive soon..Yamaha dealer said they now pushed the arrival date back again for the 3rd time to the end of February for the Yamaha rollers!
Nothing wrong with the cats but I'd definitely recommend one of the vendors in here.
Well you can add my sled to the list of flat spotted roller, been watching this thread closely so I took my secondary clutch apart as I couldn't see any flat spots , well with it apart where I can have a better look I have one roller starting to flat spot. 360 miles on the sled.

So I don't want be in a jam if rollers take a while to get. What I did was took the secondary off my Nytro, put on the Sidewinder and fits perfect, added 3 washers to the bolt to space the large washer away from the secondary to allow some movement on the shaft like the "Yamaha" sled have. Hope to get out Sunday to try it.
View attachment 125581 View attachment 125583 View attachment 125584 Well you can add my sled to the list of flat spotted roller, been watching this thread closely so I took my secondary clutch apart as I couldn't see any flat spots , well with it apart where I can have a better look I have one roller starting to flat spot. 360 miles on the sled.

So I don't want be in a jam if rollers take a while to get. What I did was took the secondary off my Nytro, put on the Sidewinder and fits perfect, added 3 washers to the bolt to space the large washer away from the secondary to allow some movement on the shaft like the "Yamaha" sled have. Hope to get out Sunday to try it.
Keep us posted on how it works.
I have been cautiously waiting and check my sled after every ride. After 5 rides, this is first time one of the rollers wasn't in contact and I could spin it freely. Took the belt off and spun them all. Luckily, didn't see a flat spot. Thought for sure one not touching finally was indicative of something. Belt looked good. Cleaned the sheaves and put it back on.
