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FPP Turbo on Nytro Question

That FPP kit really does sound good.
It pulls hard, doesn't it? Responsive and fun.
He really did a good job on it.

So we all need some snow, I see...
just got done riding my xtx with fpp stage one turbo kit, power is great, sound is a little loud but ok , but seems to have a sputter when ditch banging and getting in and out of the throttle a lot. I do not have a af gauge yet but real sure its to rich for a moment. what i wondered is if you make changes with the fuel controller are they small steps or course.
or is this the way it is and just has a burble now and then. some of you have rode with this kit awhile and wondered what your experience was
Did it have that burble when it was stock? I rode a non-boosted Nytro that had that same burble so got me thinking...
with stock exhaust you might not hear it. but this was so bad there was no throttle response just stumble for about 1 second then away we go
Mine also has a stumble at about 6k rpm. My a/f gauge shows about 10.8 so it is running a little rich. I talked to Justin at FPP and he suggested taking out some fuel in the mid and WOT settings but, that just made it run alot leaner so I put in back to the original settings. It seems to happen about when the boost comes on and it doesn't matter if I hit the throttle fast or ease into it slowly it still does it. Once it's above 7k rpm it runs perfect at 12.4:1. Right now I'm waiting for Justin to get back to me to see what to try next and when I get it figured out I'll let you know.
Mine runs really rich do to fuel presure increase it almost stalls as soon as i start it even when warmed up. But other than that runs good,does 120 mph with 1.5" xover track on speedo
On a stage1 that sounds alot like a fuel transition point in the controller if it stumbles right when the boost starts to come on. I had that with my Apex (same controller)...
The controller is sensing boost and as it gets to a threshold it starts to add fuel. How much fuel (boost fuel) and how fast this happens (ramp in) is in the settings. Sounds like it's adding too much too quick.
Try moving the ramp settings (5th and 6th) up and down 1.5 lights to see how that influences that burble... AKA: when it happens. What your trying to do is manipulate the transition points of the different setting so they are not happening at the same time and compounding... spreading them out slightly.

The stage2 is going to be something additional because of the rising rate fuel pressure regulator, the other stage1's dont have what you have.

Also a tip... don't tune the WOT AFR with the main jet setting (3rd), you want to always tune WOT with the boost fuel setting (4th) and use 1 thru 3 for good AFR everywhere else. I discovered that if you have the main jet too high to try to dial in the AFR then it will tend to flood and stall when you chop the throttle after a short WOT pull.

There are 6 different color MODES that are represent by the corresponding color LED lights.

GREEN – Idle (i.e. pilot jet) without boost (FYI: a fast blink is the 0.5 setting, slow is the 1.0 setting...)
ORANGE - Mid range (i.e. needle jet) part throttle cruise without boost
RED – Top (i.e. main jet) without boost
GREEN & BLUE - Boost fuel (amount of fuel added relative to amount of boost)
ORANGE & BLUE - At what point the ORANGE mode activates (Lower = Sooner)
RED & BLUE – At what point the RED mode activates (Lower = Sooner)

The 4th, 5th, and 6th modes are affected by boost pressure.
just got done riding 80 miles today banging ditches and what you said about chopping the throttle is I think whats happening. If you move the throttle deliberatly it's ok but banging drifts and in and out of the throttle hard it will stumble, damn near put me out the front today. when into it hard runs great gut 6 to 7000 and chopping the throttle sometimes not good,when the boost comes up runs good but seems like from 0 to maybe 2# is where its off . once in awhile thought I could smell gas even. we are short snow yet so riding a little cautiosly
Yup, your just plain overfueling during an acceleration mode and it doesn't have enough time to clean out before you take the air away (close the throttle plates) so it chokes.
You need less fuel initially at the hit. You don't need 10.5 AFR immediately when you wack the throttle open because it hasn't even had enough time to build any heat to even start to think about detonating, etc. And there is no power to be gained by running that rich, for sure.
When you stab the throttle open your AFR should gradually fall from above 12.5 down to 11.5 at WOT so you don't have all that uneeded fuel initially.

The gas smell is the unburned gas passing out the exhaust because the AFR went so rich immediately that it flooded the cylinders out.

FPP has likely conservatively setting up everything on the rich side to be safe for the broad type of abusive and careless customers ruthlessly pinning the throttle. Plan for the worse...
raise the red blue will lean out or fuel slower, FYI mine runs the exact same if i or others get it rite pass info on, settings 1 thru 4 the higher the number the more fuel, settings 5 and 6 the higher the number the later the fuel turns on or leaner
