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Gas line anti-freeze

green/blue marine stabill, for the crap ethonol, Another thanks to the Government! We need more intrusion every day, can't ya just feel it?
Notwithstanding what Honk said, since our sleds use premium anyway, there is no ethanol in it, at least not in Ontario (except Petro Canada Ultra 94). As far as using a gas line antifreeze, unless you suspect there is water in the gas, I wouldn't bother with it. Never used it in my sled and I use non-ethanol premium.
Ya, we have had ethanol in EVERY grade for 15 years now in our area. I have a sample test on the bench right now with
1 regular stabil
2 marine grade stabil
3 Amsoil quickshot
4 Seafoam
5 Startron
After approx 3 months, all have failed miserabley IMO. Water seperates in all 5 samples, and a nail in the bottom of the jar corrodes badly. I have seen no signs of varnish on side of jar however yet. I will keep my samples an entire year, and post any finding that may be significant.
Sleddog..interesting test u got going...a few questions for ya...do u have the jars full and sealed or vented???...did u mix the aditives to the ratio of fuel u have???... And r u keeping the samples in a dark place to prevent u.v. affect on the gas and aditives????...
dab102999 said:
Sleddog..interesting test u got going...a few questions for ya...do u have the jars full and sealed or vented???...did u mix the aditives to the ratio of fuel u have???... And r u keeping the samples in a dark place to prevent u.v. affect on the gas and aditives????...
First off, let me state that I am no scientist, so this test is not perfectly controlled by any means. The samples are in canning jars, sealed up. I added the recommend amout of additive to equal about 1/2 gallon of gas even though this is more like 1 pint per sample. I did however add 1/2 oz of h2o to each to see if it could handle it. Samples are all in my garage (temp controllled). only fluoresent light on at times when I am working out there. Also newly added a couple weeks ago, 1 small nail in each, to see how much corrosion I would get.
If anyone thinks adding this stuff works I read a report on these items tested and the conclusion is that none of them work according to this report. It has to do with the complex way the fuel is made. Stabil Blue was o.k. as an additive for water,etc. but the fuel still seperates. It's been a while so I can't remember the details but these products can't stop the seperation.
Try to find Hi Test for storage. Some have no ethonal and state so on the pumps.
Sleddog66 please keep us informed. I thought of doing this but never did it. Most of U.S. has ethanol in ALL gas grades. Secondly most of us TTY guys use 87 octane because it's been proven on this site there is no gain in pre '11 models to get higher octane. I believe it's also been discussed that higher octane has alot of additives that actually make it worse. Maybe some experts can chime in here...
We're lucky in that we can still get premium in Canada with no ethanol but at an additional cost. I have heard that the US Govt is thinking of mandating 15% ethanol. I hope not because whatever the US does, we usually follow suit. I had proven myself that ethanol is crap. Blew up three 2 smoke Doos last season after our local gas station switched to ethanol. And I also tested running E0 and E10 in my truck and got about an extra 60Km on average without ethanol.

Mandating ethanol is a provincial thing here. Ontario did it quietly 2 years ago. Quebec has not legislated it yet but most stations have it. Just a few independents might have E0. One weirdness here is that a local station has been selling ethanol for years. I tested their gas and the regular has E10 and the ethanol pumps have E5 at the same price. I use that in everything except the sleds where I run premium, including the two smokes.
I work at the largest refinery on the east coast... we started mixing ethonal in our fuels March 15th of last year.... this is only for regular and mid grades. 87 and 89 octane... our supreme 91 octane does not have any in it. when it is sampled we are averaging about 9.2-9.7% ethanol in the fuel... and yes it does give us some headaches with moisture in the fuel. i have yet to see any product on the market that will keep the "phaze seperation" from happening. trust me... if there was we would be using it.... the best thing for people to do is completely drain your gas tank.... i mean everyhting... once alittle water is on the bottom it speeds up the reactions 10 fold.
sherlock29 said:
I work at the largest refinery on the east coast... we started mixing ethonal in our fuels March 15th of last year.... this is only for regular and mid grades. 87 and 89 octane... our supreme 91 octane does not have any in it. when it is sampled we are averaging about 9.2-9.7% ethanol in the fuel... and yes it does give us some headaches with moisture in the fuel. i have yet to see any product on the market that will keep the "phaze seperation" from happening. trust me... if there was we would be using it.... the best thing for people to do is completely drain your gas tank.... i mean everyhting... once alittle water is on the bottom it speeds up the reactions 10 fold.

I have heard the same thing, many companies that make their alledged cure for phase seperation products are getting filthy rich by lieing to us :o|
Hopefully someone sue's their a**'s real soon!
Has anyone heard of/or had experience with k100. Thinking of adding that product to the test mix??
Mooseman said:
Notwithstanding what Honk said, since our sleds use premium anyway, there is no ethanol in it, at least not in Ontario (except Petro Canada Ultra 94). As far as using a gas line antifreeze, unless you suspect there is water in the gas, I wouldn't bother with it. Never used it in my sled and I use non-ethanol premium.

I don't believe Our Apex's call for Premium gas.
Ah, did not know that since Phazers and Venture Lites/MP's call for premium. Since the OP was from Ontario, thought I would mention that most premium gas here doesn't have ethanol. I would use premium just to avoid the ethanol altogether regardless.
Mooseman said:
Ah, did not know that since Phazers and Venture Lites/MP's call for premium. Since the OP was from Ontario, thought I would mention that most premium gas here doesn't have ethanol. I would use premium just to avoid the ethanol altogether regardless.
I usually have to go out of my way slightly here to find premium without the ethanol in it. There is one out of the 4 stations close to here that have no ethanol in their gas, believe its Ultramar. Also, I think the Esso in Brockville has no ethanol in their premium either, thats only what I know of myself at the moment unless someone else here knows of others locally. I try my best to put premium in the atv,chainsaws,bike etc, I sometimes put it in the APex's but only if I can get it. Up north, I take what I can get and usually the gas is getting used up and not sitting around in tank for long.
