35 miles riding county roads and a few fields. We got about 6 inches and it was gone in 2 days. I'm just glad to ride my new nytro. I was starting to go insane. 2 Michigan trips planned in Feb. Just hope they keep their snow.
Let me see.....From the garage out to the driveway and back into the garage. Not sure I will have to go see the odometer :o| :o| :o|

By the way I also purchased a Grizzly with a plow this past fall :o| :o| :o| :o| :o| :o| :o| :o| :o| :o| :o| :o|
200 miles in North Western Maine, boney but passable. Going easy on the throttle when needed :exc:
RTXs said:

X2. Well, I guess technically I have 0.1. I drove it onto the trailer from our burnt down shell of a house, and the off the trailer into my buddies garage. Now it has a brand new ZX skid, new driveshaft w/extros, all new bearings, new skis, and some other minor goodies and is just collecting dust in a garage.

now where the #$%&* is the snow?!?!?!?!



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270. Pretty good considering the first time we had ride-able snow was 2 weeks ago. I'll be heading east tomorrow for the 3rd weekend in a row.
Mainextx said:
RTX said:
100 this past weekend in maine.
trail conditions were pretty good considering the lack of snow.
caught a rock with the right ski on the way home and bent the ski,spindle, and both a arms
Im done for 2 weeks :(

Where were you riding? Been up to jackman for a weekend trip and trails were good and they were out grooming. Still not really enough to do some good offtrail playing. Only 350 so far for me. Hoping to get up there again next weekend :Rockon:

millinocket. all the ITS trails were in great shape just not groomed. no real traffic on them yet. wrecked my sled in a little 2 mile long goat trail that brings us back to our house. my parts arrive tomorrow and i will be ready for next weekend too :Rockon:
1000 KM, I did not ride last week end, I should have at least 500 KM more. But riding this week end for sure
52 miles of marginal conditions on January 15th (first 5" snow fall of season) and then 82 miles on the 22nd after a partial melt down then another 5" of decent trails and then Monday the 23rd a major melt down. Looks like no riding at least for another week :o|
