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Hurricane Hindle Muffler

How do you like the Supertuner weights?

I'm sure Dave will check in but in the meantime, FYI his kit was Hindle with his own SUPER TUNER weights not Supertips.
I ran it last year no issues.
Worked very well.
I raced 2 Stock Winders on lousy snow 660'. I beat them both several times by 4 lengths or more in 660' and my sled only had 100 km on it.
It is not quiet but better than an Apex drone.

Nice to hear about the improved performance! Sounds respectable. My bad, Supertuners!

I did talk with another person today that had the Hindle. He said it did get to him noise wise on long all day rides. Wish it was a bit quieter.
How do you like the Supertuner weights?

I like them just fine. Perform as advertised as far as I can see.
There is at least one fellow [ Byam ] I think is who does not care for them at all.
There were / are three iterations.
The first one had some issues with bushings I think and they were updated.
The second iteration I think still may have had some bushing issues . Dave has new better bushing and will change them out for free.
The third iteration has no issues as far as I know.
My go to guy is a racer and has 4,500 km on his plus races. Trail rides at 290 HP and says he has had no issues with the supertuners.
Now that we are seeing some decent stock muffler flashes I think I am leaning more towards that.
Stock muffler flash works well, and much less to worry about.....I would have run it myself if it was avail back then.

I guess waiting longer to get a Winder was good in that regards. All you guys are figuring these things out! ;)
i see the hindle comes with longer bolts, i have a used one i purchased and want to install on a friends sled, what are the size of bolts that i need for it? thanks
