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Loud pipes


TY 4 Stroke Master
Dec 2, 2007
ON, Canada
Anyone read the "MotorHead" piece in the latest SuperTrax.
Mark Lester rants a little about how sledders exhaust now is zero modification tolerance in Ontario.
Guess I'll just pay the fine and keep riding.

As long as your not WOT on the trail I'm sure they can't tell. They all pretty much sound the same at idle, don't they?
Good exhaust set ups keep the stock look and make it tough to detect. And shoot, a lot of stock exhausts can't pass the decible meter test....
What get's me is it appears the MTO or in this case the MSVA has passed a law that could have guys pulled over for inspection.
Lester points out that the law is kind of broad, No modification from OEM whatsoever allowed.
How the heck are trail wardens etc. going to know what a mod is or isn't?
Dump on the sled industry again... Thanks tree huggers.
I like AK ;)! I've never been very good at following directions :die
So can i just take one of the R1 Pipes and make that into my undertunnel? Thats a stock OEM pipe that sounds and flows ok... Stupidness, this is gonna do nothing, if they make them they will be on the sleds , fine or no fine.
Funny... I got more noise coming out of the modded air box up front than I do the back now days.
I have an exhaust turnout on my sled so I can carry a tunnel bag without melting it - no other exhaust mods at all - and last season I had to talk my way out of a ticket for that on Tug Hill.
Personally I think the noise laws are ridiculous. There's something just fundamentally wrong with passing a law that allows "judgement calls", and for a peace officer to be a mechanical expert? Granted, people do need to be respectful in residential areas, but I've never heard anybody pose this issue:

People ride sleds in the winter, when peoples homes are closed up, furnaces running, most people are inside,and often times the snow muffles sounds from a mile away anyway, but nobody complains when in the summer time when windows are open, people dont blick an eye when 15 loud Harleys come roaring through town all summer?
Seems to me the higher ups in the snowmobile industry need to be screaming more about this being unfair. My sled has exhaust on it, and even if I ride home at 2:00AM, my wife cant hear me until I'm about 3 or 4 houses away?
Private industry (aftermarket vendors and manufacturers) is getting the shaft for what logical reason? Sowmobiles cant honestly be that much of a nusance to that many people to have things start going this way? I could very skillfully gut a stock exhaust and replace it with whatever I want and nobody could ever tell it's been tampered with, yet some officer has to now be an expert on sleds to point out such issues? What happens to the guy who has made no modifications and just has a muffler that's wearing out? This is BS...
The law has always been that way in ONT...you cannot modify the exhaust in any way or deviate from stock. This is done to make it easier for the police ( which are the only ones who can enforce it in ON )...that way if it doesn't look stock, you can get a ticket. doing DB tests makes it more difficult to deal with as you would have to have an acceptable standard test procedure, train offficers to give the test etc...by making it a " no modification " law you make it easier to enforce. The other battle you have is with land owners who allow trails on their land and complain to their local clubs about loud sleds. These are very old issues in Ontario.

A funny thing about Mr Lester..2 seasons ago they put a Barker slipon on their Nytro...and trail rode it with a noise reducer ( Barkers are still loud with a reducer in it ). They took major flack over that and had to state on the next episode to follow noise laws in your area...yet they still broke the law in Ont by riding the sled with it on.
nate007 said:
There's something just fundamentally wrong with passing a law that allows "judgement calls", and for a peace officer to be a mechanical expert?

Nate you nailed it right here...
How much is a ticket? I don't ride the trails much anymore, kinda boring. But I do have to use them to get to riding spots. I have noticed if your looking for trouble the cops will pull you over. If your following the rules(not speeding and taking it easy in places where you should) no will bug you.


Opinions are just that, opinions. Lets keep this civil here and not start an argument over it.
I beg to differ on the #1 reason comment, as I'm pretty sure that many will disagree. There are people selling ground - and the new owners who may not either want the traffic, or have other uses for the ground, or:
Probably far more so that loud pipes is irresposibility! Accidents due to drinking, racing, destruction of property, failure to obey trail markings and boundaries, etc, etc..
Again, it's just an opinion, but even a sled with aftermarket exhaust that sounds very good to most can still be operated obnoxiously, but the other guy with the same set-up can keep things quiet when needed.
I think the value of this thread is more to make people aware of the ordinacnes, it's flaws, and hopefully spur some support by others to either obey the laws, or fight against them.
If you don't like loud pipes TOMBOB, that's fine, you don't have to put them on your sled, but to wish every one to have their sleds taken away doesn't do much more than start arguments here.

And for the record, you don't have to spell in all CAPS. That's yelling on a message board. I don't see anyone else here yelling. FYI.. :)
