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Need New Carbides for my Powderhounds. Recommendations?


VIP Member
Dec 19, 2008
Labrador, Canada
Hey guys,

Finding it hard to steer and my carbides need to be replaced on my Slydog Powerhounds.

Any recommendations on what I should replace them with?
The site I usually order things from is RoyalDistributing since its a Canadian dealership. If the set you guys recommend are on there it would be a bonus!

Thanks again.

There is always a carbide cutting tip angled down, even through turns, when a single tip carbide is angled at more of a 45 degree angle out.
Shaper bars are junk on my powderhounds went through 4 bars each time this happened within 300 miles:


I run sno studs double downs now they are beefy but like any dual push in the corners. They made it a dream to steer and zero darting so I can live with the push. Next year I may get a set of tripple points and run one double on the right side and one single on the left side.

That way if I can get some bite when I need to pass someone on the INSIDE of a corner I got the triple point biting, going to the left or outside of the corner I can push a little bit to miss a sled but still keep it out of the woods.
Bergy Triple Points, probibly be the last set of carbides you will need to buy for those skies! 2000+ miles on mine in less than ideal conditions and they are barely wore and will STILL turn on pavement/concrete.
blueironranger said:
Bergy Triple Points, probibly be the last set of carbides you will need to buy for those skies! 2000+ miles on mine in less than ideal conditions and they are barely wore and will STILL turn on pavement/concrete.

Info like your's is what sold me on a set, just wish I had enough snow around these parts to try them out! :o|
kinger said:
I run sno studs double downs now they are beefy but like any dual push in the corners. They made it a dream to steer and zero darting so I can live with the push. Next year I may get a set of tripple points and run one double on the right side and one single on the left side.

That way if I can get some bite when I need to pass someone on the INSIDE of a corner I got the triple point biting, going to the left or outside of the corner I can push a little bit to miss a sled but still keep it out of the woods.

Sounds like you need to slow down or run sno cross!


:jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump:

:letsnow: :letsnow: :letsnow: :letsnow: :letsnow: :letsnow: :letsnow: :letsnow: :letsnow: :letsnow: :letsnow: :letsnow:
Jeez I put on the 6" Shaper bars & it was night/day difference from stock.

2 years still look good. No trails, just ditches & fields. Guess it all depends where/how you ride.
Bergstrom 8" triple points with ski savers and add shims wherever he tells you to...you wont be disappointed and it will be the last set you buy.
