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New Heavy Duty/High performance clutching for My Sidewinder this season

Following along ,just received my Tapp ,black primary,plus2 rollers,plus the weighted screws, will know more after install, Mine is a ZR9000 cat with Hurricane ss tunes ,a shiny piece to look at lol
Lol...billet is pretty for sure! When I go into a restaurant for lunch or dinner, I’ll take the side panel in with me so the Clutches can be seen lmao!

Was hoping to get up there around Thursday or Friday this week??? Is it worth the trip Glenn/any riding?

Things are pretty boney and we could use another foot. Heading out tomorrow and will keep you posted!!
Those are some pretty clutches! I was close to buying a TAPP, but wanted to try the old Yamaha drive clutch along with the Viper button secondary first being I had them sitting on the shelf.
T his clutch is all new t me ,engagement is at 4000 ,must b the black primary spring, have any ideas how to lower, very smooth compared t my team
Where are your ramps set at?
Using the Ski Doo 1,200 as an example, with all four ramps in position “A”, the clutch will engage at approximately 3,000 RPM and shift at about 8,300 RPM.

With two opposing ramps in position “A” and the other two opposing ramps in position “B”, the clutch will engage at about 3,900 RPM and shift with more force allowing you to add more boost/horsepower.

With all four ramps in position “B”, the clutch will engage at approximately 4,800 RPM and shift with even more force allowing the opportunity to add even more boost/horsepower.

Changing the shift speed can be done by adjusting the ramp angle or changing Allen weight screws.
Just picked up my 18 50th Sidewinder after having The TAPP Primary and Pro 4 Secondary installed and set up for this season. I had it set up to run the Ultimax XS 825 belt by Timken. Belt fitment was excellent. Haven’t tried it out yet, but loading it on the trailer, it was super quiet(no rattling) and buttery smooth with a 3900 rpm engagement.

I also upgraded to the SS SM Hurricane tune bundle for this year. Can’t wait to try her out.
Damn thats a beautiful clutch set up!!!! you know how to do it right
:bling Those are the sexiest clutches on the market!!!
Congratulations buddy looking forward to your reviews
Where are your ramps set at?
Using the Ski Doo 1,200 as an example, with all four ramps in position “A”, the clutch will engage at approximately 3,000 RPM and shift at about 8,300 RPM.

With two opposing ramps in position “A” and the other two opposing ramps in position “B”, the clutch will engage at about 3,900 RPM and shift with more force allowing you to add more boost/horsepower.

With all four ramps in position “B”, the clutch will engage at approximately 4,800 RPM and shift with even more force allowing the opportunity to add even more boost/horsepower.

Changing the shift speed can be done by adjusting the ramp angle or changing Allen weight screws.
All on A , just trying on stand ,will know better if we get some snow ,Thanks
Things are pretty boney and we could use another foot. Heading out tomorrow and will keep you posted!!
How was it??? We're supposed to run up the 3oth but will likely pull the plug on the trip
:bling Those are the sexiest clutches on the market!!!
Congratulations buddy looking forward to your reviews

Thanks Marc...appreciate that. Probably be a couple weeks before I can get out and try em. But looking very forward to getting this sled on the snow. I’ll let you guys know how they work.
Doesn't matter of it performs better... Even if the performance is the same, You can ride without the worry of it taking your head off. Plus it's quiet! That's why I'm going to visit Tommcat if we ever get some snow this year!
