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mud99 said:
Ok here it is, real hard evidence from the Yamaha parts catalog:

If you choose Snowmobiles, 2010, you get the Nytro, Phazer but no Apex...

Why wouldn't they copy and paste the old microfiche in for the Apex when they did it for the other sleds? Probably because we are getting a 2010.5 mid-season released Apex, so they don't want to confuse dealers or anyone else quoting the parts catalog.

Seriously people, it's time to start selling off your turbo's before the new 300hp Apex comes out, make sure to drop the price another 2K so I can get one....


i noticed the microfiche has been missing on the apex awhile back too...not so sure this means anything tho.

I do think the new sled will be a apex replacement though.
it will be a website error mud99. Trust me, what they come out with will be good and it will be a 2011 model. From what i understand it will be released, as in "enveiled" in February, dealers wont see em till fall of 2010.
Yami450D said:
it will be a website error mud99. Trust me, what they come out with will be good and it will be a 2011 model. From what i understand it will be released, as in "enveiled" in February, dealers wont see em till fall of 2010.

not an error....i have yet to see any 2010 microfiche for apex on ANY SITE ANYWHERE.

I often wondered why myself,since every other sled is on the fiche.

Rumor has it that Doo will have a supercharger on their 4-stroke next year. Willing to bet Yamaha will do the same. Hope so anyways.
vector06 said:
Rumor has it that Doo will have a supercharger on their 4-stroke next year. Willing to bet Yamaha will do the same. Hope so anyways.

i wouldnt doubt it.....DOO has always been so much faster at bringing out new product,this is what drives me nuts about yammie!

Yammie always says their engineering is best and there is never a problem when we all complain for warranty,which we all know is crap.

then when it comes to new models and updating poor designs,same thing...it took them 4 seasons to cure all the issues with mono skid.

I bet doo brings out a fact turbo or SC on their 1200 before Yammie does...sucks too,cause yammie deserves to be out front with anything 4 stroke but mark my words,DOO will beat yammie to it.

does anyone realize how many yammie faithfull(4 stroke guys) jumped ship to the doo 1200?.....ill tell you there are ALOT!

vector06 said:
Rumor has it that Doo will have a supercharger on their 4-stroke next year. Willing to bet Yamaha will do the same. Hope so anyways.

Yep. I've heard Rotax has a Supercharged 1200 ready to roll in a sled. I'm sorry, but that will be sweet if they pull it off. But I've heard 180-190 hp only. When I was pimping the local Ski Doo dealer about that, they also claimed an 800 etec with 180-ish hp was also on it's way, and said the s/c'd 1200 won't sell as everybody will want the new 800 etec instead. He has a strong 2 stroke bias, if ya can't tell.....

Yammi will have to respond with a s/c'd sled to match them, I think......
Here in canada i have the online fish and it shows a 2010 apex with parts but there is not pict of the machine but i still can look up parts...
yukon yamaha said:
Here in canada i have the online fish and it shows a 2010 apex with parts but there is not pict of the machine but i still can look up parts...

can you post link?...ive been wanting to see '10 apex fiche for awhile.

mud99 said:
..................Seriously people, it's time to start selling off your turbo's before the new 300hp Apex comes out, make sure to drop the price another 2K so I can get one....Mark

:drink: I want whatever he's drinking.............. :drink:
vector06 said:
Rumor has it that Doo will have a supercharger on their 4-stroke next year. Willing to bet Yamaha will do the same. Hope so anyways.

i wouldnt doubt it.....DOO has always been so much faster at bringing out new product,this is what drives me nuts about yammie!

Yammie always says their engineering is best and there is never a problem when we all complain for warranty,which we all know is crap.

then when it comes to new models and updating poor designs,same thing...it took them 4 seasons to cure all the issues with mono skid.

I bet doo brings out a fact turbo or SC on their 1200 before Yammie does...sucks too,cause yammie deserves to be out front with anything 4 stroke but mark my words,DOO will beat yammie to it.

does anyone realize how many yammie faithfull(4 stroke guys) jumped ship to the doo 1200?.....ill tell you there are ALOT!


Well said and I agree 100 percent. Yamaha looks at sales and build accordingly. If they put half the effort they put into their Bikes, they would have crushed the competion by now and would have left for the other three to fight for the crumbs.... It's disappointing and frustrating, because we all know what they are capable of... Just look at the R1 street bike.... It's a serious piece...
Well said and I agree 100 percent. Yamaha looks at sales and build accordingly. If they put half the effort they put into their Bikes, they would have crushed the competion by now and would have left for the other three to fight for the crumbs.... It's disappointing and frustrating, because we all know what they are capable of... Just look at the R1 street bike.... It's a serious piece...

You right, it all comes down to sales and dollars. Those markets with the highest sales get the most resources. Unfortunetly, sleds have never made very much money, if any. Not very long ago (03-04 RX-1 time) they considered dumping sleds all together, but the cost to maintain parts and shut down the production line during the snowmobile build schedule was more costly.
They have also worked on a production turbo, but final cost would have been higher than just purchasing an aftermarket kit and adding to the sled.

If you look at what Doo is building, their engineers have stepped outside the box with the XP chassis..and their sales reflect that innovation..I wish Yamaha would do the same.
I'm still driving an SRX but to me the Nytro was a step outside of the box. For that matter, back in 03, just putting a 4- stroke in a snowmobile was stepping out of the box. When I look at the Nytro it is a huge step forward over what Yamaha was making prior to 03. Not saying they can't do better or that Yamaha is the most innovative but people can quickly forget how far sleds have come in general. I guess though its always good to push for better products or things wouldn't be where they are now.
Mtn-Track said:
There's been some testing going on in WY. Looks to be a turbo Nytro...

This entire thread has been speculation, but sign me up today for a factory turbo XTX if this is true. Pesky F7's would once and for all be relegated to being fodder for my proverbial fly swatter with a factory warranty to boot. :die
