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Nytro Boost Module for your YamaHeater

Daranello said:
09 XTX need the boost or not?? Haven't installed my Yamaharter yet and I'm wondering whats everyones results

varies from machine to machine...some are okay...others suck....rock says the grip resistance varies widely from one to another and this is a big factor on warm or cold grips..
Daranello said:
09 XTX need the boost or not?? Haven't installed my Yamaheater yet and I'm wondering whats everyones results

Hey Dude!

From what I have seen with the 09-10 Nytros, would about bet on needing it.
Install your kit & do the running test described Here:

Your grips WILL be warmer, question is, will they be warm enough?

That way you know for sure.

Hope this helps!

Rock :-o
6701 said:
Just got off the phone with Rock. He shipped me the booster very quickly and spent several minutes on the phone with me walking through the install process. His customer service is top notch. Highly recommend doing business with him. Thanks Rock.

You are welcome!

Let us know how it feels on the trail!

Rock :-o
sj said:
Daranello said:
09 XTX need the boost or not?? Haven't installed my YamaHeater yet and I'm wondering whats everyones results

varies from machine to machine...some are okay...others suck....rock says the grip resistance varies widely from one to another and this is a big factor on warm or cold grips..

SJ is quite correct.

The grip resistance has the most effect, yet there are other effects at work here also.

There are overall patterns, but no real absolutes that we have seen yet.

Have seen some '06 & '07 Apexes with really cold bars, but seem to be rare.
08 Apexes seem to be more prevalent with cold bars. (WAG of ~20%)
09 & 10 Apexes seem to be mostly cold, but not all.
Most of the new style Nytros seem to be cold, but not all.
(Keep in mind, my viewpoint may be a bit skewed as I usually only hear about the really cold ones.)

Have not seen a RS/RX, Phazer, Venture, or Vector yet that doesn't respond quite well to the regular YamaHeater, even if they started out really cold.
(Doesn't mean there may not be some, just means none been brought to my attention so far.)

That's why I posted in the Nytro & Apex section so you guys could get it taken care of and have Warm Hands!
(Haven't heard much of anything from the Apex guys, if that says anything.)

Am working on making the kits self-adjust to the bars themselves so that one kit will work on ANY sled, no matter what.
(At the same time, am working to keep the warmth cost effective for us, and still protect the stator in our sleds.)

I can actually make any of the bars Super Hot,
That puts your stator at serious risk of failure.

We want enough warmth that you can ride comfortably at -20*F or so and not risk frostbite, while at the same time not needlessly risking damage to your sled.

The best test I know of right now is the running test described here:

As I know more will pass it on!

Hope this helps! Rock :-o
Grip heaters

Well I can say My '09 XTX's grips were very cold riding in 12 degree weather. Even on high my Polaris buddies did not want to ride my sled.
I just installed the Yamaheaters w/boost and they work very well. Just like Rock and everybody else say.........The grips do get warm right away. I saw satan himself standing on the end of the grips sweating!

The only thing was that on my XTX I had to mount the package on the Battery side. No Biggy. It appears the kit is universal to either side. I also had the mount the Unit under the headlight plastic bar. Other than that it would rub on the side panel.

I am very happy at this point. ;)! Plan on going up to Kalkaska/ Cad area this Thursday. Supposed to be cold. Will see if the grips stay warm so I can use a thinner glove.
Rock has done it again... simply amazing with this booster the warmers are warm to touch by the time the warm-up light goes out and its like 50degrees in my garage where i did the install.... AMAZING thanks again rock
Thanks Rock

I was hoping I had it right. I did start it up in the garage just for a quick feel and WOW they seemed hotter in less time before. Maybe if we get some SNOW I'll be able to try them out this year. :Rockon:
Thanks Rock, Perfect timing with the call friday night. I was up in Rangeley, Me and had just gotten back from the first day ride with the yamaheaters..

Just got the Booster installed! these things are HOT!! you were spot on when you said a few degrees makes a big difference.. now i just need some snow!!
SledNeck91604 said:
Thanks Rock, Perfect timing with the call friday night. I was up in Rangeley, Me and had just gotten back from the first day ride with the yamaheaters..

Just got the Booster installed! these things are HOT!! you were spot on when you said a few degrees makes a big difference.. now i just need some snow!!

AWESOME! :drink:

We are looking to get an Alberta Clipper early next week!
Can only hope!!! ;)!
