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Phazer misfire and code 34 code 33

My opinion is if it’s a solid code 34 it’s a definite mechanical problem. Coil, ecu plug, pin at connector. If it’s intermittent with code and no code 34 running and no code still running bad it wiring problem. Crazy how many times I thought I had it.

And thanks. Good to be back. I saw a vid on utube of the recent “fun ride” TY had. Reminded me to get back on!!
On maim's(now mine) 2009 phazer rtx the break was in the plug from the wire harness that plugs into the coil. Wish I took a picture but when you take the plug apart it is crimped in 2 places once on the insulation and once on the bare wire(for connection). The wire strands had broken right after the insulation so at some engine rpms the vibrations made them connect and good spark happened at others misfire and stumble. we stripped if a little further recrimped and soldered it. bee good the last 2-3000kms.
Excellent feedback there.
Did you have same issue, rough running no code or full blown code 34.
Hi I'm from Poland a few days ago I jumped on the phazer and after the third jump he started ignite on one cylinder end cod 34 ,the cause of the fault ,the snow hit the cover ,the cover hit the ecu plug .and one pin has detached in de ecu


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Hi I'm from Poland a few days ago I jumped on the phazer and after the third jump he started ignite on one cylinder end cod 34 ,the cause of the fault ,the snow hit the cover ,the cover hit the ecu plug .and one pin has detached in de ecu

Wow, rereading that, that was “inside” the ECU you found problem?
Probably the most impressive electrical repair I’ve seen to date!!!
Job well done
It was running rough and in the garage threw a code 33/34. That is where I found the broke wire. It just did it again 3000km after the fix so I will be taking it apart to look again. If it is the same I will take pictures this time.
Happened again.

Felt it coming on, just like before at cruising speeds. Ever so slight blip here and there. Sure enough 5 miles later slow down for an intersection and wouldn’t stay running.

NO code

Fire up using throttle. Carried on gingerly. Able to get up to good speed with it feeling like the 1 cylinder out, And it cleared out back to full power. Smashing drifts along Hwy I’d get a blip here and there.
Fueled up, running good. Got stuck in some deep stuff and again, rough idle wouldn’t stay running.
Got home, opened air box and seemed frosty in there and fairly wet. Ran sled holding throttle for 10 mins and it cleared out.
Let it cool. Cold start, backed into shop running ok.

Wondering if it’s those frog skins letting moisture in and causing that or I’m back to square one with hunting wiring issue.
I know for sure WITHOUT a code it’s wiring.

Scratching my head here....
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Just put mine in the garage. Running on both and no code. Code 34 while maim was driving it during the ty give away ride. Once it cooled off ran on 2 again. Going to check the wires and the coil.
haven’t been out yet. Fella I was grooming trails with yesterday seems to think moisture got into it. Yamaha mechanic. He was stumped on my last episode with this misfire.
Rode today. Misfire here and there. Lasted maybe 1km then clear out for another 10-15.
Cleaned air box.
Cleaned gasket from air box to carbs.
Removed and cleaned lid gasket. Very oily.
Cleaned/degreased air filter and inside air box.
Will try and eliminate water getting in first.
I am still experiencing the exact same thing you all have covered here. Same stumbling. Thanks for this thread and all the info in it.

Things i have tried:

Swapped Coils
Checked pins at coils
swapped ECUs
Checked pins at ECU
Retied the wiring at ECU
Cleaned airbox
Checked TPS in diagnostic mode.

All electrical connection/pins look good. Seems like it will be good for a little while then it will fall back into it. It is throwing no codes but history had 13&25 at on time. I cleared them an they have not come back.

I have put 100 miles on it so I thought I would have burned out any remnant fuel from last year. I will dump it tonight and try another set of plugs.

Is there anything I am missing?
