Pro Rmk front on Nytro...

Have you ridden a Pro with a 2 stroke? How does it compare?

I did a lot to my Nytro, but my pro is sooo much different and better. I still have my nytro and have thought about going even more crazy and doing something like you. I am just worried it is going to act like the nytro still.

My main complaints are I always felt like I was following the nytro and sidehillin on hardpack was a night mare. If you got it to sidehilll, holding a line was next to impossible in the trees. In the trees when you let up you trenched and boom stuck. It could never get out of a hole.
zx4ever said:
Hey what Chinese turbo did you pick I have been looking at them or a Mitsubishi
t 16 Volvo one. For my home built 180 turbo nytro I plan on doing this summer

td04hl 15t its a mitsu. Clone.
Erik has answered my e-posts when I had something to ask, even if you dont have mcx kit of your own. Also Modshop people from Arvidsjaur are very helpful.

I would put 2 head gasgets for that turbo, you get decent 200hp and still have little extra in your "backpocket". I have 3 gasgets, and max boost 0.9 bar with 98 oct, about 250hp. Now I have only small turbo, garret 1549 and it is good to 200hp, 0.7-0.8 max boost and it is running good.


Next project might be bigger turbo with vnt, I like the way they work.

Beeze455, have you got stock front end in your nytro? I have +5" forward and 36.6" wide and it is more like pro now. It does almost nothing unusual what nytro does with stock front. Whole new sled now and I know you dont believe before you try one. ;)
I have not ridden a Pro and i have only ridden a Nytro half a mile :)
My friend who tried it has ridden all the brands and currently has a Summit, told me it rode alot like the Pro but felt a bit heavier. Our season was a disaster and ended pretty much when the long track was installed. so next year i will compare it to a Pro and a Nytro Mtx

beeze455 said:
Have you ridden a Pro with a 2 stroke? How does it compare?

I did a lot to my Nytro, but my pro is sooo much different and better. I still have my nytro and have thought about going even more crazy and doing something like you. I am just worried it is going to act like the nytro still.

My main complaints are I always felt like I was following the nytro and sidehillin on hardpack was a night mare. If you got it to sidehilll, holding a line was next to impossible in the trees. In the trees when you let up you trenched and boom stuck. It could never get out of a hole.
I want to try it without lowering the compression first.
yes the Modshop guys are awesome they donated the bent subframe and beat up tunnel for my build.

Jakelfin said:
Erik has answered my e-posts when I had something to ask, even if you dont have mcx kit of your own. Also Modshop people from Arvidsjaur are very helpful.

I would put 2 head gasgets for that turbo, you get decent 200hp and still have little extra in your "backpocket". I have 3 gasgets, and max boost 0.9 bar with 98 oct, about 250hp. Now I have only small turbo, garret 1549 and it is good to 200hp, 0.7-0.8 max boost and it is running good.

Next project might be bigger turbo with vnt, I like the way they work.

Beeze455, have you got stock front end in your nytro? I have +5" forward and 36.6" wide and it is more like pro now. It does almost nothing unusual what nytro does with stock front. Whole new sled now and I know you dont believe before you try one. ;)
Had some trouble with the password after the update but now im back !

Got some parts.
The turbo.

Time to tear it apart.

Decided to make a new header so my friend "the machinist" will make some flanges but he is pretty busy at the moment so it may take some time.

The REV gas tank was to wide at the front so i took a good look at the newer Lynx models who has a even narrower gas tank than Ski doo and decided to use one of those.
Found a Lynx RE 800 ETEC gas tank with the rear pyramid support.

it feels way better, in the Pictures its only temporary installed and will be more forward and lower with the new tunnel.

Also put in a order on the smaller LED light and the aluminum sheets for my new tunnel.
I found a broken Ski doo fuel sender that im going to try to modify and use Nytro fuel sender parts on.
I'll definitely be interested on how you do that. I have a ski doo XP tank I will be installing sometime and been trying to figure out the fuel sender thing. Thanks for the updates!!
Started with a drawing to se the range of motion on the Ski doo lever.

then i removed the "Circuit board" from the Ski doo unit.

and the Nytro one.

the size and layout was pretty much the same on both "Circuit boards" so the nytro one fitted perfect, it has a longer range of motion and one of the soldering Points was on the opposite side so i had to use a small wire there.
Then i modified the Nytro lever and shortened it.

empty tank 182 ohm, in the same position as ski doo.

Full tank 12 ohms its a bit higher in the tank but i Thinks theres is room for it in this position.

Awesome thank you!!!!!

Dont thank me yet its still not tested in the field :)
I secured the "circuit board" with some epoxy glue that will cure over night and tomorrow i will install the lever.
i also have to buy the grommet that seals around the fuel sending unit before installing it. Kind of expensive for a small rubber piece.. around 37 bucks over here.
The Epoxy had cured over night so i installed the lever.

I Think it will work.

I got something in the mail today

Comparing it to the one i ordered first.
The new one is 30 Watts and 330 grams and the other is 20 Watts and 470 grams.

Did a little test in the garage.

Installed the Ski doo bar and riser, its about 300 grams lighter than what i replaced so i almost saved what the Led light will add.
