Pro Rmk front on Nytro...

Which drivers did you go with?
That should be good enough for that! I would buy that cat/muffler shield material if somebody could sell that on sheets etc. If I remember correct, that is double wall aluminium with insulation between?
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I have that material already (from McXpress) i also will use another material on the gas tank that has an adhesive and the pipe will be wrapped. I also have a engine bay fan that will be used if its needed. The fuel lines from the gas tank will be sleeved also.

Edit : I think i got you wrong. Is it a aluminum sheet with insulation ? I have a fiberglass mat with a reflective surface, the same one McX supplies in their turbo kit for the Viper.
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I thought that aluplate is that with insulation, but it is normal "diamond" plate. I have one piece too, saved for same reason that you are using it. I have seen that kind of plate and it was thin aluminium, but it had fiberglass mat or some heat resistant mat between it. So it would be really good and solid construction for heat shield in sled. Important thing in that is that there is no fuel/oil lines in direct heat and tank is properly protected. That fan you got, how you control it? Could it be under heat sensor so it works automatically? If it is under switch, how you switch it on when sled runs away like rolling down the hill?
The material i use is a heat shield from my car :) i had a weird rattling noise that was a loose heat shield and when i ripped it out i saw that it would be perfect for my sled. its very thin and easy to shape.
i will usa a manual switch for the fan at first when trying it out.
Made a deal on a used front arm to my skid my old one was a bit tweaked. Then i started to install the reinforcements. Had to modify the rubber and the rear wheel holder.

After the holes was drilled i removed it and cleaned the surfaces and used a glue before installing it again.

Installed the other reinforcement.

Exhaust and muffler.

Installed the heat shield and sleeved the brake hose.

Made a small heat shield where the hoses exits the gas tank and used heat shield on the hoses.

then som heat shielding mat with adhesive.

this is where the gas tank will be installed.

the other side.
Loaded the weights.

First row is weights only, weighted and sorted the Tungsten washers and tried to even out the weights (second row), and the last row is final weight with small washers installed,pretty much spot on.

This is a a starting Point that i was recommended so i will try it out and go from there.
Pretty light weights, I usually try to put more load on the tip of the weight. It revs easily and pulls harder that way, also max rpm is better in control... if I have understood this right.. ;)
This is how Modshop/NTC wanted me to start out and they are well known for their clutching of turbo Yamahas.

Pretty light weights, I usually try to put more load on the tip of the weight. It revs easily and pulls harder that way, also max rpm is better in control... if I have understood this right.. ;)
