Pro Rmk front on Nytro...

This is how Modshop/NTC wanted me to start out and they are well known for their clutching of turbo Yamahas.

I'm not doubting that setup, turbo is not bitch to cluthing because it has wide powerband and enough power/torq to move it about any setup that doesnt slip the belt or over rev all the time.

Keep eye on that self adhesive insulation, some of those doesn't hold on heat and also plastic gas tank always "sweats" some gas and glues doesn't hold anymore. It may need some support like wire or aluplate etc. Have you got heat cover to turbo?

You can go pro because of pro..

Or just get what you need..
I have been looking at turbo blankets but im not conviced that its a good idea, i dont want the oil to get to hot in the turbo. i shield of the surrounding as much as possible.
I will be looking at all shielding during the first rides and will be bringing my fire extinguisher along like i did for the first rides last season :)
My first test rides boosted ended when turbo oil inlet came off.. It was not placed in correctly so it came loose when heated. So... sudden fire? It is possible. :D Looking good again!
Anything can happen :)
What weights are you using ?
I saw that my stock weigths are heavier than the supertips in my current configuration but the profile and position of weight is way different.
im now searcing for a 43° helix, what helix are you running ?

My first test rides boosted ended when turbo oil inlet came off.. It was not placed in correctly so it came loose when heated. So... sudden fire? It is possible. :D Looking good again!
Helix 45° and cat green secondary spring. Stock weights and that 83g with heavier inserts(bolts). Spring shimmed 3mm and is from -98 srx 600, i dont remember the colours. End is quite same as stock but it has lower engagement, about 2800 if i remember correct. Pulls hard and keeps rpm 8700 all day long no matter what. Hitted rpm limiter couple times in warm spring wheelies.

It is not perfect but works well and is really easy to drive. I will try different weights and springs to get more kick out of it, I like aggressive clutching more than soft.

This has been on my mind, 43° helix, stiffer spring to get engagement somewhere between 3200-3500 with more curved weights. Maybe multiangle helix if that is not what I've been looking.
Thanks !
I have heard lots about the cat green spring but Modshop/NTC actually told me to use the stock MTX secondary spring @ 90° with 43 ° helix to start with.

i have a bit of play in my primary rollers so i will replace them later, lots of writing about the 14,5 rollers but how will they affect the rest of the clutching if i get a working setup with stock rollers and then replace them with 14,5 ?
Found some insulating foam tape that i installed where the gas tank is mounted on the tunnel.

Then i installed the Summit bumper.

Got a delivery with some material.

And bought oil, oil filter, sparkplugs and new bolts to the secondary clutch.

a sneak peak of the dropbrackets, they will tie into to the rear pyramid supports.
The beginning of the rear pyramid support brackets, on the side of the tunnel they will be bolted in to the front of the dropbracket, maybe overkill but it feels good.

After some modding i got the Lynx REX pyramid to mate to the REV bracket.
Nothing wrong with a little overkill sometimes LOL
Got the parts from my friend with the milling machine.
Pyramid supports.

My plates for the dropbrackets.

drilled for some rivets, the plates will bolted to the pyramis supports.
finally i did the dropbrackets.

Now its time for the tunnel wrap Before i install the runningboards and the rear bumper.
