Pro Rmk front on Nytro...

She is really coming together! Is that an old Military PT mat on the floor next to the sled? The funniest little things I see sometimes.
She is really coming together! Is that an old Military PT mat on the floor next to the sled? The funniest little things I see sometimes.

I dont know where its from but it might be military. yes its nice to see some visual progress all the small stuff takes time but doesnt show in the same way.
We had 3-4 inches of snow but everything has rained away :(
i hope we get a better Winter than last year, it was a all time low.
Installed the lower side plastic and then i just had to install the side covers and the hood to see how she looks.

I have been building the gas tank plastic with soldering iron and plastic sheets, time will tell if it was a good idea but i had to try it.
Basic shape is done.

Secondary clutch work.

Polished the Surface on the helix.

The bolts had made some marks in the big washer so i simply flipped it over to get a nice surface.

New plastic shoes.


More progress.
this mesh will stop larger animals from beeing sucked in..

Next i will install the prefilter material.
Dam you can do it all! I'm so jealous.
