Rubbing sound at front of skid

That happen If you have the boggie in The upper holes, The wheels hitting the boggie

That happen If you have the boggie in The upper holes, The wheels hitting the boggie
So you had the same problem, rubbing up front, I wasn't sure if it was drive wheels or track. What did your dealer tell you to do? Did you lower the skid and it stopped?
I lowered it, i havnt contacted the dealer yet
Nope, i have lowered the boggie back to
This is important especially since Yamaha is shipping sleds with skids removed now. Dealers may not get it right. Will look at setup instructions to confirm but sure looks like 16's XTX and MTX need to be in lower holes.
That will be good, i gona call my dealer about this
So is it a geometry change in the suspension or the '16 XTX (SE and LE) rails are longer? I had this problem when I went to extrovert on my RMK. Had to shorten the rails at front so they clear the teeth's of the sprockets when the suspension was moving.
Went in back and quizzed the techs and read all we could find. According to the most recent Tech update book its only shown to be the 153 and 162 with the geometry changes. The front arm skid pivot is raised 1 inch and pullrod and idler arm changed along with rail profile this increases travel from 11.75 to 12.5. No mention of 141 geometry change. So we looked up Cat. Earliest change for cat 141 was in 13 they moved the skid to the upper holes. So really nothing concrete. May come down to having 14,15 skid out and side by side. I suspect the geometry change was also done to the 141's since if you all remember with the wheel hitting the Evol issue Hygear had to do some mods to make everything fit.And there were no issues before this. Chalk this one up to failure to communicate once again.
Went in back and quizzed the techs and read all we could find. According to the most recent Tech update book its only shown to be the 153 and 162 with the geometry changes. The front arm skid pivot is raised 1 inch and pullrod and idler arm changed along with rail profile this increases travel from 11.75 to 12.5. No mention of 141 geometry change. So we looked up Cat. Earliest change for cat 141 was in 13 they moved the skid to the upper holes. So really nothing concrete. May come down to having 14,15 skid out and side by side. I suspect the geometry change was also done to the 141's since if you all remember with the wheel hitting the Evol issue Hygear had to do some mods to make everything fit.And there were no issues before this. Chalk this one up to failure to communicate once again.
I looked at one on the showroom floor today here. It's the same as my 14 except for the addition of anti-stab wheels. The one I looked at was a SE and there were no clearance issues. Fully collapsed suspension and everything Looks good. It was mounted in the upper holes. Talked to service manager and a tech and that's where it's supposed to be. Didn't have an LE to look at. Still suspect it's something to do with hitting evol Shock on the LE because no other parts have changed. Also still don't think it's track slap in tunnel as that doesn't vibrate and not normally felt by the rider. JMO

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Its just so tough to see changes. Cat had a huge problem back in 13. They changed the rails and the drivers and kept skid in mid hole in front I believe. Anyway drivers hit and then they ended up putting in upper holes where they have been ever since. Its hard to keep track of all the changes but thats what that tech school was supposed to be for. They missed some things.
cannondale, thanks for you research. I must add a few things here. First of all, I had removed my two idler wheels prior to even riding it so its not them. I have anti stab wheels and they don't seem to be the issue. My drivers are hitting almost the center of the windows. Second when the sled was sitting on the ground with the shocks at riding pressures you could take your hand and take the top part of the track and push it up against the tunnel with very, and I mean very little pressure. I tried it, Yamarob and Stingray and Justin witnessed it. These are three Viper owners although different flavors. You could not do this with any of theirs. One 137 and two 141's turned to 153's with extensions.

We tightened the track until there was next to no slack as well as putting 160 lbs in the front shock. All that happened was the sled rode like a rock and it made lots of noise although a bit less. We spent a whole day at Mesa playing with this. The only positive thing is that while Jacob and Norm were folding up their front ends on huge rocks boondocking, I was lying on my side working on this.

Nothing worked until I lowered the skid. Then it went away and I actually have some sag in the bottom of the track.

I think that if you have a 2016 XTX-LE then drop the skid down. It wont affect the ride but will stop the noise which sounded like a truck going down hill and using engine brakes and missing the odd gear.

shock fixing.jpg
That sucks you lost a day dicking around with what should have been right to begin with. I feel for you and worry about others that are less informed or dont pay attention to such things. You know you have had a great attitude about it. Would be nice if Yamaha just did something to help make amends even if its just acknowledgement of a issue. I would be wild. Maybe that week of riding you got keeps you calm. Wish we all could have some of that snow!
But what have yamaha done or artic, If I have the skid in the upper hole the skid is hitting the wheels its not antistab that are the problem. Its like that the skid sits closer to the wheels
