SideWinder Clutching

In the clutch bay area where you see both clutches it appears as though it has some sort of TCL behind the clutches,is this an old pic or does it have the motor hooked solid? Also the primary ramp looks like it may run some heavy rivets,unless them three holes are deceiving to look at?
Im pretty sure the mounting is all same as Viper....which is all solid if I recall. TCL was only the SUK deal i think.

Can we stil used the old or " std" cam helix?

Wich spring and cam they were using for testing at snowshoot ?
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The charts show which parts are "New" meaning they are likely not interchangeable. The helix is listed as "New". I would be surprised if you could use the stock helix with rollers.

Thank you Yamaha for coming up with flat pucks riding on machined surfaces in the primary!!!!!

I believe all the primary clutching issues will be eliminated!!!! I just wet myself!!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!!
Here are a few more pics of the SideWinder clutch all ripped apart:



I really gotta give it to Yamaha for the changes to the primary!

Be nice to have shims that will go under the pucks when wear becomes a factor
Like one member asked on pg 1 anyone know how to adjust belt deflection?
i too red somewhere belt deflection adjustment was easier can't remeber where.. is this not a pre production model? and how close do you think the production models will be? thanks for info..
I just love those roller secondaries...
Like a friend of mine said the belt deflection adjustment is very primative. Pretty sad for a sled that costs this much.
Like a friend of mine said the belt deflection adjustment is very primative. Pretty sad for a sled that costs this much.

All these complaints on price and what it should and shouldn't have.. its easy and I hate to say this but then dont buy it.
Like a friend of mine said the belt deflection adjustment is very primative. Pretty sad for a sled that costs this much.
Would you prefer something more wizbang, with a commensurate increase in price?
All these complaints on price and what it should and shouldn't have.. its easy and I hate to say this but then dont buy it.
To be honest, when I first heard about, and saw the sled, I thought the price was close to reasonable. I mean, what exactly do you expect with a sled that has the tech this one does? Not to mention the fact it seems you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a dealer who will knock $1,000-$1,500 off without batting an eye.
