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Sidewinder motor in pro rmk

maybe the 2 sleds, minus the engines are within 10lbs of each other? Of that 128lb difference, i bet most of it is engine related
Sorry I probably didnt say that the 10lb difference was the nytro motor vs the 800. So no turbo and pipe. I've got a spare nytro motor I should weigh for an exact number.

I just cant imagine just the winder engine is that much heavier even with the turbo and pipe.
I know on my nytro when I swapped skids I went for a 144 to 163 cat skid. The stock nytro skid was 75 lbs and the 163 cat skid with ice age rails was 39lbs. So I'm guessing the sidewinder still has unnecessary weight somewhere other than just the motor.
4 stroke turbo will weigh around 160lbs comparable 800 will be in the 90 lb range. I went down the weight path on my last apex, I figured out balance is more important. Also how much it 'feels' when lifting the rear is a bad metric. Aim for 130-140bs of ski weight per ski and the rest on the rear it will be playful and fun. There is no better designed chassis for trail riding then the CAT ARS IMO. Not sure why your picking the polaris chassis?
4 stroke turbo will weigh around 160lbs comparable 800 will be in the 90 lb range. I went down the weight path on my last apex, I figured out balance is more important. Also how much it 'feels' when lifting the rear is a bad metric. Aim for 130-140bs of ski weight per ski and the rest on the rear it will be playful and fun. There is no better designed chassis for trail riding then the CAT ARS IMO. Not sure why your picking the polaris chassis?
The only trial riding I'm doing is from the truck to the side of whatever hill I find. I dont care for trail characteristic. I want the light and nimbleness of the pro it the woods and the reliability/power of the 4 stroke turbo.

Like most people here I dont want a 2stroke
The pro rides the way it does because of the total chassis and engine balance combination, sticking a 70lb more engine will ruin it, guaranteed. Keep a 4S but get 4 scales and modify where the weight is. If your sidehilling, do a plus forward A arm kit to get the sled to roll over easier. More weight in the rear will help, and look into the drop and rolled chaincase. It will never feel like a 2 stroke but that is not always a bad thing they can still be fun.
This is why I'm trying to figure out what the weight of the sidewinder engine is...
I'm just dont think the 4stroke could be 70 lbs heavier than the 850. Everyone turbos those so in my mind the weight of the turbo doesnt really matter to much.
Just get a rmk and change pistons every 2000 miles, good to go
I asked a few years ago if anyone has put a nytro motor in a axys chassis and not much interest. I think it would fit and be amazing. The sidewinder motor I believe is the same size as the nytro just built tougher for boost so should weigh about the same. I currently am putting a nytro motor in a Polaris dragon chassis as a experiment, and the price is right. If the weight is lower and it feels balanced to ride ( unlike the nytro) I will build another one in a pro or a axys chassis for myself to ride. Don’t be discouraged by others. I understand why you are looking for a lighter chassis as I ride in the deep snow bc mountains as well. Build it, but make sure to start a thread on it. So all the rest of us can see how it’s done. Here is a pic of my project with my tank in the back ground
I asked a few years ago if anyone has put a nytro motor in a axys chassis and not much interest. I think it would fit and be amazing. The sidewinder motor I believe is the same size as the nytro just built tougher for boost so should weigh about the same. I currently am putting a nytro motor in a Polaris dragon chassis as a experiment, and the price is right. If the weight is lower and it feels balanced to ride ( unlike the nytro) I will build another one in a pro or a axys chassis for myself to ride. Don’t be discouraged by others. I understand why you are looking for a lighter chassis as I ride in the deep snow bc mountains as well. Build it, but make sure to start a thread on it. So all the rest of us can see how it’s done. Here is a pic of my project with my tank in the back ground

I'm not letting them convince me not to do it. I'm just attempting to iron out a few details first.
Any chance you weighed both motors to see the difference?

Also I've definitely seen 2 different nytro swaps in a pro just not the axys.
Sorry I did not weigh Polaris motor but the nytro motor weighs 115 lbs I read somewhere the Polaris 800 motor was 95 lbs but I can’t confirm that. Do you have a crashed sidewinder that you are going to use for the donor? If not I would consider buying a turbo nytro and use it as a donor. Because in western Canada you can’t give them away, I've seen them sell for $3500 Canadian. And then you need a blown motor axys and you will have a sweet sled for well under $10000.
If the 95lb is correct for the 800. the 850 is 8lb heavier at I'm guessing 103lb. That's not to far off from the nytro motor.

I'm either going to find a blown pro or buy one ride it untill it blows and then swap it
If there is really only a 15lb difference between the 850 and nytro motor then the skins helium hood is a 13 lbs weight savings. And just like that pretty much back to stock weight.
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There’s a guy on snowest that posted a thread about sticking rx1- apex motors in pro’s. Had some videos on YouTube to.
