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Split Rail Skis - Fact or Farce?

00-NUKE said:
AWESOME feedback! thank you all. Please keep it coming. I'm currently running C&A XT's and they do good for traditional style skis, but I have been on the fence for a while about the split rails. As it sits I am currently on a $15,000 ride already after upgrades and mods, and not a single one of these upgrades or mods have costed $1,100 by itself. That is a lot of ching for 1 mod, not to mention my wife will flip a lid if I go through with it, and she finds out what I spent on a pair of ski's. ;):D
Thanks Again!


They are not skis, they are a pair of shoes. There is always room in the closet for shoes in a womans eyes. Tell her they matched your suit and they were on sale. It would seem that no price is too much if it is on sale.

I'm all for the "on sale" idea, but if my woman EVER came home home with an $1100.00 pair of shoes that were on sale, I'd be keeping the shoes and putting the rest of her stuff at the end of the driveway. I'm getting a lot of good feedback on this split rail upgrade and they do match my suit! ;)! I think I'm going to have to start a rouge ski fund.
Port Snowman said:
Am I out of line to ask some of you who have these skis to please post some photos of your sleds, with close-ups/hi-res?
i will try to post some tomorrow.

You can now get them annodized black with an accent color for an additional fee.
Yamatario said:
Port Snowman said:
Am I out of line to ask some of you who have these skis to please post some photos of your sleds, with close-ups/hi-res?
i will try to post some tomorrow.

You can now get them annodized black with an accent color for an additional fee.

They do look sweet with the annodizing. I would like some photo's as well.
Here are shots of mine.



Those skis look awesome but would be useless here..need more floation skis then good handling skis..they would only get u in trouble riding in Nlfd, we dont do much trail riding here...what would happen if u got a good dump of snow while u r out for a weekend, doesn't look like these skis would keep u on top
Keep in mind...these skis aren't being marketed as a Mountain or Deep Snow ski.

No ski does it all, nor any sled.
I havn't used them yet, so can only report what I have read in doing my research to buy them.

From their website: "Split Rail's have nearly the same surface area as the Ski-Doo Pilot 5.7 stock skis. The rails are merely separated. Split Rails are also designed so that as the snow passes through the centre it is slightly compressed, therefore pushing the ski upwards. Since they have the same surface area as a stock ski and have added compression Split Rail's experience comparable flotation in loose and powdery snow conditions."

But certainly, this is a trail ski, designed entirely for the trail.
Grimm said:
Keep in mind...these skis aren't being marketed as a Mountain or Deep Snow ski.

No ski does it all, nor any sled.

True, but floatation isn't an issue with these skis, they were tested in the mountains at Revelstoke and worked great.
what is the width of the ski and the space between?

has anyone measured the trail and spacing on the tierod mount to see if they just copied yamahas spindle or if they changed anything while they were at it?

I think they could have made a better looking spindle, the lower part looks good, the upper part is kinda bulbus looking. From a company that made what has to be the best looking ski out there, the spindle is kind of hohum. Wont be long guys will be machining something that looks better.
Speak to Owner

Ran into Rob Wrightman who invented Split Rails at the cotttage show here in Toronto. He had a booth set up marketing the ski. During our conversation he revealed that he had sent a pair to Chris Brandt to test in the mountains and the results were really positive. If you have serious questions or have doubts, the guy is really approachable and his happy to speak to customers.
Their website is easy to find and their contact info is there.
Food for thought
what is the width of the ski and the space between?

has anyone measured the trail and spacing on the tierod mount to see if they just copied yamahas spindle or if they changed anything while they were at it?

I asked Rob at the show about changing the geometry of the spindle, e.g. bolt hole locations (the ski bolt hole is the one if moved or not).
He told me all holes are exactly the same spots.
Direct bolt on, for everyone.
Then he asked me, Why would we make them different?
I tried to explain how the 08 to 09 geometry was changed and made a big difference and how aftermarket arms are moving everything forward with even better results etc.
His reply... "We don't need to change spindle geometry. Our skis make the Nytro handle. You won't need to mess around with anything else out there. Why buy a sled and modify shocks and suspension when all you need are split rail skis? Spend you money on these skis is all you need to do."
