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Squeaking Front end ???

Are you guys spraying inside of the rubber boots too? I'd really like to know where it's actually coming from. But I just spray everything I can, including inside the boots.
Yup inside the boots, both boots on each side. Plus the steering shaft bushing up by the handle bars.
Where do you buy it?
I asked they order it from co-auto, from what they told me you have to be a dealer and order by the case. You can try a local GM dealer and see If this helps any.

Bump, any other miracle spray or even better a solution that last more then a ride? Sway bar bushing noise is only prevalent in warmer big moguls trails. When cold I don't hear it so I think I did a good job with my multitude of different sprays. Then on the same ride coming back in warmer weather the trails are shot so squeak comes back to tell you not to ride in these condition. lol
I'm still using Fluid Film as my go to. Depending on conditions, it may last one ride or more before the squeak returns.
Its likely the a-arm bushings, where they attach at the bulkhead. The factory ones dry out fast.
Call Val at Mainway and get the greasable bushing kit. Works great

I put the Mainway kit in right after Val released it, that was like 3 seasons ago and I have not had one squeak since.
Either it went away or I GOT OLDER & CANT HEAR IT ANYMORE?
You guys with Mainway greasable bushings. Your saying your sway bar bushing doesn't squeak?
