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Sr Viper LTX SE or XF 7000?

The cat clutch(primary) has NEW buttons on them for 2015. They have built in tensioners(the buttons will remain a lot tighter as the miles rack on.(good thing). I think your going to hear the Yamaha is better on this site.. I think it has a SLIGHT edge in fit and finish- dealer sells both cat and yami. And is a straight shooter.
If you know how to clutch a cat - no difference.. The 7000 will engage higher on take off with the new style buttons on the primary clutch. They both are going to be very good sleds this year - after the refinements and updates after first year production. Sorry just love the green!


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Every sled is different as you know so when Allen comes up with numbers from the same sled using both set ups it will be a fair comparison. Just a fact though no matter what the color it just a cat!
Every sled is different as you know so when Allen comes up with numbers from the same sled using both set ups it will be a fair comparison. Just a fact though no matter what the color it just a cat!

I tend to agree with you- manufactured at the same facility with similar components, but the Yamaha drive train and warrenty mattered to me..............my 2 cents. I grew up on CAT, have had Doo's, Poo's and obviously lately Yamaha's.

My dealor (Cat and Yamaha), a few years ago showed me both Cats and Yamies (a few years ago mind you), why he thought I should ride Yamaha......he knows I am big mile trail rider, often 200+ days and a few times a year 300 miles per day and do occaissionaly ride alone..... he showed me an F7 Brand new out of crate, with woodies stud backers as washers for some of the tank and skid bolts and said," good handling sled but Yamaha would never do that".
Now I know they are both manufactured at the same plant but that stuck with me for the next 44,000+ miles on 6 Yamaha's and 1 Poo - rebuilt Poo x1- my sons fault not sleds. So I choose Viper.
Love my red viper but I have to admit jonlafon 1 that is one sweet looking cat . Maybe that's another thing Yamaha can learn from cat some over the top graphics!!! Hey I think this venture is a win win what ever both companies can improve on I'm in.
This probably should come down to what or how much you know about your dealer, if your dealer is both go on price if not go with the dealer you have the most faith in.
I forgot one thing ALL Cat clutches can be rebuilt fairly cheap/ Thunder Products sells all the parts

Here is the problem. Tell me what the sheaves and spider looks like at 4000 mi? That's just a little more than one season for me. Good tip though for the minor stuff. Didn't know you could get anything.
Here is the problem. Tell me what the sheaves and spider looks like at 4000 mi? That's just a little more than one season for me. Good tip though for the minor stuff. Didn't know you could get anything.
lol funny i just read in my latest supertrax mag that they have a test arctic cat 7000 with 4400 miles on the stock belt with no signs of wear or any issues, they also said the roller secondary back shifts faster and they wish yammy would try a roller secondary.

Either way they are both good but i think a lot of brand loyal or snobs make cat clutching out worse then it is by a long shot...early turbo models maybe but they have came a long way since then
Guess only thing to convince you cat guys that your clutches are shot by 3500 mi is some pictures. Maybe the mag you quoted just never looked at them. Roller secondary for me is not needed. 2st yes but not on my 4st. Personal preference but I feel it increases engine braking which I don't need.
No convincing needed. Clutches are cheap as i just replaced my sons for 365.00 shipped to the door. Bragging about how your cat has yamaha clutches is some funny #*$&@. Its so much better…lol
Guess only thing to convince you cat guys that your clutches are shot by 3500 mi is some pictures. Maybe the mag you quoted just never looked at them. Roller secondary for me is not needed. 2st yes but not on my 4st. Personal preference but I feel it increases engine braking which I don't need.
lol if the clutch was shot as you claim im pretty sure they would see belt issues, or power issues...Im more then sure the clutches arent shot and you drive around normal lol, or is it because its just cat lol.

See and you might be mixed up again because they said in their review the roller secondary is actually less engine brake then the button secondary...they said coming into corners hot on the viper it would nearly lock up the rear end due to the button secondary.

I guess only way to convince you that yamaha isnt god is impossible, or maybe the proof is in the fact that your riding a cat lol
