Sr Viper With Sidewinder Headlight

If anyone has a chance to get a weight on the sidewinder light please let me know.
If anyone has a chance to get a weight on the sidewinder light please let me know.

Crap, I could have weighed mine when it was apart....
IMG_3372.jpg IMG_3373.jpg IMG_3374.jpg IMG_3375.jpg IMG_3377.jpg IMG_3378.jpg IMG_3378.jpg IMG_3379.jpg IMG_3380.jpg IMG_3381.jpg IMG_3382.jpg IMG_3383.jpg IMG_3384.jpg IMG_3385.jpg IMG_3386.jpg
Thats all the pictures of the mod like I promised lol.
Just the new headlight and the wiring harness, anything else you will have to fabricate yourself .
You mentioned you needed to make some adjustments to the headlight mounts in order to fit this in place. Would that be the black shroud that also holds the windshield and gauge pod or am I looking at the wrong thing? I've been looking into getting the headlight and the part above (no clue what it's called) from a Sidewinder BTX SE because of the venting (more for looks but I would imagine any bit helps). Thoughts?
Very risky but Acetone will make anything stick to the lens. If you get it anywhere else on lens it will be ruined though for sure. Could also just drill small holes in reflector and stick LED strip behind it.

Just FYI but as a last-ditch-effort I took acetone on a rag to my old Phazer's headlight trying to remove the adhesive residue from Seth's headlight blackout from his racing days after nothing else at all would even touch it. It took the adhesive off with ease and the headlight lens was fine. Not saying if someone else tries it it would turn out the same, but just wanted to throw that out there
I have a used headlight and harness if anyone is interested in doing this mod.
how much are you asking for it. I am thinking of doing my wife's viper
