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Summer build

How hard would it be to fab up a brake light into the back of the seat, this way we can get rid of the factory brake light on the tunnel and add some storage space.
Seat looks great BTW


Go to a truck shop, they sell a million versions of led lights, you can velcro them on they are so light. Then make up an extension lead so if your storage bags or tanks are on you can run the light on them with velcro as well and still be seen.

nicoli, what is that mini hot rod your building in the background???????
You sure do a harsh rebuild in the summers dont yah. No way i could tear it down that far beginning of summer. Wife would lose half my sled before i got it back together for the winter.
Played with the handlebar controls a little. I want to get as much stuff off the bars as possible for that nice clean look. I popped the headlight and hand warmer switches out and will be cutting the wires and mounting two little waterproof toggle switches. I have a 2 prong for the headlight and 3 prong for the hand warmer. I'll probably add a third one for a thumb warmer. I'm also going to buy RSI's billet throttle block to eliminate the huge plastic oem one (getting rid of TORS at the same time).



trimmed the rest of the brake up too

When I'm done I should only have a small wire for each hand warmer, the brake hose, and throttle cable.
I wanted to eliminate having to run screws through the bumper so I wouldn't have a bunch of shiny screw heads against the powder coating. I bought some 8-32 steel rivnuts, a rivnut puller and went to work. Now I can run screws from inside the tunnel into the bumper. I just filled the outiside holes with pop rivets which will get powder coated.


No, were building him a tunnel like mine. All new running boards/tunnel sides, cat braces & extrusion, and a phazer rear bumper.
Kinda dead in here so I'll give you an update. Got my cat braces and tunnel extrusions in this week along with my phazer bumper so did some cutting and chopping. Also recieved my stuff from cr racing, a billet throttle block, cr drop brackets, and a rider forward kit. Was able to get all the measurements needed and took them to Greer tank who will be making my running boards which should be done next week sometime. Overall, coming together nicely and quicker than me and caleb thought, since its his second tunnel like this is kinda easy lol.

Tunnel all cut up

Fitting the tunnel with braces and extrusion


Cut up phazer bumper

Thats all for now but i will get some more as we make progress.
Finished Drews footwell reinforcements

100% done with my tunnel. Cleaned it a bunch, added some studs, some rivets, ect. ect. Spray painted it olive drab to find defects in the tunnel and see what the color would look like...all I will say is both sleds are going to look sick!

Also got these goodies...new clear Trail Tank(huge thanks to Seth), RTX post, Fly mini bends and 3" Fly riser. Bars and post will be powder coated.

more to come
