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Superman's first ride on the Attak

hey guys when my bro's fires up his attack in the garage,it seemed to have a little hesitation,but after it sat ran for aprox. 6-9minutes it was spot on and the response was,well awsome :Rockon:

About the bog thing. I put another 15 miles on today on my racetrack the hesitation is definitely there. If you hit the throttle off idle or even just under clutch engagement there is a slight hesitation it goes away fast but it's there. I don't think it's a break in thing because I noticed it on the proto I drove at Hay Days. When you nail it at 5 or 6000 its flawless and very quick, quicker even than my RX-1 was and they were very quick in that sweet spot. Bugs me though I like to drag race and win!
jbrede said:
About the bog thing. I put another 15 miles on today on my racetrack the hesitation is definitely there. If you hit the throttle off idle or even just under clutch engagement there is a slight hesitation it goes away fast but it's there. I don't think it's a break in thing because I noticed it on the proto I drove at Hay Days. When you nail it at 5 or 6000 its flawless and very quick, quicker even than my RX-1 was and they were very quick in that sweet spot. Bugs me though I like to drag race and win!

Throttle bodies not synched perfectly? Bet that could cause some hesitation.

It's in the motor like it has to build velocity in the throttle bodies or something. Maybe there's a chink in the efi mapping hope not.
jbrede said:
About the bog thing. I put another 15 miles on today on my racetrack the hesitation is definitely there. If you hit the throttle off idle or even just under clutch engagement there is a slight hesitation it goes away fast but it's there. I don't think it's a break in thing because I noticed it on the proto I drove at Hay Days. When you nail it at 5 or 6000 its flawless and very quick, quicker even than my RX-1 was and they were very quick in that sweet spot. Bugs me though I like to drag race and win!
Well that's great to here..... Maybe Allen Ulmer can shed some light on this and see if he has ever noticed this from his testing.
It would be good to his input on this. I don't want to make this a big deal and get everyone worried because it's not. I am confident Yamaha has made us a great sled. Maybe I'm expecting to much out of efi over my carbed RX-1. It reminds me of the difference between the SX-R700 and the Viper. The SX-R was very guick off the line and was expecting the same from the Viper. The Viper however had a slight hesitation in stock form. Clutching may help by raising engagement slightly. I was playing aroung on the track trying to get around it and found if you slowly bring the rpms up to just under engagement it helps.
jbrede said:
It would be good to his input on this. I don't want to make this a big deal and get everyone worried because it's not. I am confident Yamaha has made us a great sled. Maybe I'm expecting to much out of efi over my carbed RX-1. It reminds me of the difference between the SX-R700 and the Viper. The SX-R was very guick off the line and was expecting the same from the Viper. The Viper however had a slight hesitation in stock form. Clutching may help by raising engagement slightly. I was playing aroung on the track trying to get around it and found if you slowly bring the rpms up to just under engagement it helps.
I'm sorry but you should not have to bring the RPM's up to get of a bog. First off, when I drag race I hold my RPM's just before engagement and then hold it WFO, but it still should not be bogging out of the hole.
I rode 15 miles again this morning (only enough snow to cover the grass, so it was mainly on frozen ground with enough snow for lube, resembles real hard pack conditions) and didn't notice this at all. I have now ridden our RTX, and 2-ER's with no stumble. All with stock, stage 1, and stage 2 clutch kits with no notice of this unless I didn't have the sled fully warmed up. I will have an Attak out hopefully yet before it gets to warm (better hurry, supposed to be 52* this afternoon) and see if I can make this stumble appear.

jbrede, where are you located in MN? Maybe we could meet up and I can try to resolve your stumble or at least trouble shoot it some more.
Superman said:
4Fighter said:
:shock: Are you for real Chris? LOL Gaylord got that much snow!? Looks like I 'll have to visit you on my way to Alpena tomorrow and try your sled out :tg:.

Hey Brain. Yes in town we have about 6 or 7 inches. But the pictures are @ my friends house which is about 3 miles west of Vanderbilt, South of the Chandler hills area. Some pockets where the snow blew are maybe 18" deep. Now as long as we don't warm up much this will be a great start to the season. How much did you get? I saw on John Dee that parts of the North shore are looking white. ;)!

"Brain" LOL

Maybe an 1" in the Sault - It's snowing pretty good right now. Raco and Strongs always gets more earlier. Maybe they'll have enough to venture out Dec. 1
