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Talk me out of this guys...I need some guidance

All in all, try to compare apples to apples. you can't put the 121" Nytro with any track out there, against a Renegade. The XTX vs. Gade is a much more equal comparison. THe XTX has a better aproach angle and with a set of MTX skis will float rather nice, as a few guys have stated on here. If side hillin' is your game, than remove the stabilizer bar. I'll quit defending Yammi here and have no intensions on bashing Doo right now, but make your comparisions fair. BTW You won't be doing a moter job on your Yammi. OK a little knock on the chin.

Goddo said:
D) Buy the Back country X, which in my opinion is the perfect sled for our climate. We have hills and lots of boondocking country. Our snow levels aren't enough to justify a mountain sled as a main choice for me so the BCX Rene is the perfect sled. It doesn't have EFI which sucks, but it has everything I want in a sled (X shocks, 136 x 1.75 track, lightweight).

What do I do? or not Doo :drink:

You KNOW what you need to DOO!!!

I jumped - no regrets..................... YET!
UP Brett said:
Top gun no offence but I have a hard time keeping the sleds front end on the ground as the previous owner had it set, with the skid stretched to 136" and moved back for a 144".
I haven't rode a xtx but have rode nytros before. This is the worst for bringing the front end up.
I have made a few small changes, limiter strap, rear springs, compression on rear shocks. Those are just a few changes I have made to try to keep the front down. Now the snows gone, so I'll have to finish tuning next season.
No offence taken. I'm going by what I have experienced with mine and a actual hartman stretched 144. Your taking an already heavy frontend even with limiters let out and moving the skid back making the frontend heavier, just common sense. On the nytro my friend put the hartman kit on, he has the 1.5x144 cross over on that has a very stiff lug compared to the backcountry...........there is NO front end lift, not even with the limiters out and the blocks out. And front end is heavy to steer compared to mine. If you go back in threads you'll read of others with the same issues with that kit.Works great in deep snow though with the new attack angle.
Here's what my buddy has to say about his 08 XP Adrenaline 800.

I loved the xp 800, but all the belts(6),oil(25gal) wipe outs (5or6) ,track, brakes(roter,piston,pads) and motor ($4500 to replace if crank is bad or $600 for top end) I lost all faith in ski doo when they told me $4500 for a new short block. Its at robs in Johnson creak now and its in ski doos hands. NOW They think it’s the 20% ethanol and the knock sensor didn’t work ,Tyler’s didn’t blow up(same gas)

No 25 gals @$35. If ski doo wont cover at least 50% I will part it out and call it lesson learned and never a doo again.

He says he is going to the XTX, but we'll see. Each person has different experiences, but it just seems like there are more and more engine failures on 2 strokes every year.
Goddo, take it easy, you aren't going to Doo something foolish. Forget 2 stroke and forget going over there. :o| Those that Doo regret it and return.
And you will! Luckily we take them back.
You need to make improvements as do I and will.

Key word is Reliability. Never Stray.
Goddo as mtdream said I tried a lower engagement set up and I found it helped while starting off in the deep stuff.

As someone else posted why not get the XTX and put the 1.75 on and a set of Slydog Powder hounds. Even the 3 doo guys I ride with (1 with a summit) are amazed with how my sled stays up on the snow with the Powder Hounds. I know my dealer in Shoal Harbour is selling his last XTX for $10300. He will also put that 1.75 on there for nothing.

But I still think the same as backstop posted the ice build up is something that needs to be addressed with these sleds. This adds a lot extra weight to the back end.

Good luck with whatever you decide.
10300 with a 1.75, now were talking.

Thanks for all the comments guys, keep them coming. Rest assured I'm not taking this decision lightly. I'm going to try and get some seat time on an XP in the coming weeks to see if its even comparable.
i had both of them (800R Gade and XTX) in this last year. I thought the ski doo was great in the snow. With stock skis it still had a problem of the front end diving due to being farther forward than a Crossfire. I got rid of it for oil consumption and the shop couldnt get my carbs dialed in right (ran like C-Rap). I switched to the XTX after I rode it this Jan. I love the smoother engine but I agree the front end dives but I installed MTN skis on it and what a difference it made. I am also going to the 1.75 track. Honestly I was going to do the same thing to my Ski Doo Gade so it is no big deal. Gotta design the sled for what you want to do. All of these guys will tell you personalize the sled is the best
To put the 1.75 in, the protectors have to come out. Without them there is no ice build up . Only build up I have seen since is on the oil tank side of the sled when riding powder. I put a grille behind the slots on the bottom plastic to stop the snow there and solved alot for me.
I would try to get a 2009 XTX at a savings to the 2010.

I could never go back to a 2- stroke twin. When Yami had 2-stroke twins I was always jealous of the other guys with the triples. When yami went to triples I was very excited and I never bought into the lighter is better, twin mentality. Then Yami came out with the 4-stroke motors and I was totally sold. I would never go back to a 2 stroke now.

I have driven an xp800 renegadex back to back to my xtx and I much prefer my xtx. The xp handles better I will give it that, but everything else in my opinion is not as nice. I like the nytro motor sound, vibration level and power band so much better which is a big deal to me. I also much prefer the rider position and ergos on the Nytro. The Doo is very stable but I find it a little boring to ride, I like the edgier feel of the Nytro. If you had to go to the Doo get the 4-stroke, I believe the 4 stroke is they only way to go.
Even though the xtx has a better approach angle it still isnt even close to be half the sled of the backcountry x when it comes to offtrail riding.....regardless of what track you choose. The standard renegade with the 16x137 is crazy the places you could go. Its light and has more power and wayyyy easier to control where you want it to go. Not to mention that the renegade x 1.75 will not burn up sliders as it comes from the factory. The ride is also better. You will have a huge tunnel to help with bringing stuff to your cabin. You will give up some engine reliability(some carb tweaking to richen the midrange will help severely with this) and get slightly worse gas mileage and be back to buying 2 stroke oil but I think its the sled you really want. I really like my xtx but the cheap front end parts(joints and a-arm bushings)the horrible slider wear(unless you add a gazillion larger wheels) and the fact that 've been overheating steady every time the snow is real crispy(perfect anti-freeze mixture ratio) on top of the suspension needing some revalve work to be decent I'm not sure if this sled will remain in my garage next winter. We will see
Pull out the protectors, ice problem solved. I get less build up than the skuds I ride with. Put a real track on and go to 144 and the off trail problems solved. If you can do the XTX cheap I think you'll be really happy with that route and the 1.75. I will admit the work to achieve what you want will cost you a bit but if you buy a doo you better have a good dealer or your going to spend cash faster than obama can print it. In my opinon the 800 doo is one of the least reliable rides out there right now. If I was buying a doo it would have to be the 600, just hate the thought of the garbage engine in the 800.

The 800 doo comes lean in stock form, especially midrange were most 2-strokes are known to burn down. $5 worth of shims and main jets and problem solved! The carbs are outdated but they work and make for easy adjustments if you choose to mod. For example how many posts do we have about the nytros low end miss which is caused by a lean condition, a $400 power commander later and its fixed vs the turn of a screw. They both have good points depending on what your looking for. The topic was about what would be the best sleds for HIS needs. He will never have a sled as easy to boondock and play with as the renegade with a nytro. Simple as that. He will probaly have an overall more reliable long term sled with the yamaha but lets not forget what hes looking for in a sled.
