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test ride


Feb 17, 2009
U.P. of MI
So I just test drove an '09 LTX GT pretty much intending to buy it today. Great motor! But there was more vibration than I expected to the point of hearing buzzing bodywork above the noise of exhaust/wind/track. Hands were cold. I don't know if it's a combination of less wind protection than I'm used to or if the handwarmers still aren't as warm as they should be, but my hands were colder than any sled I've ridden recently. But the big thing was the engine braking. Hated that! I'm sure I'd get used to it after a few hundred miles, but it was really not to my liking. I still went back inside to buy it, but couldn't quite swing a satisfactory deal. I went in there saying I'll give you $$$ for the sled, these accessories and I wanted the 500 mile service included. Well the manager couldn't even say yes or no. I had to talk to a different guy about the accessories and then another still about the service. WTF? It was like they're all separate businesses! That's bullsh*t. So I walked away to continue my search for a new sled.


One more thing. Wasn't much weight transfer, I expected it to lift the skis more. Is that something you can adjust in the rear skid? I love to wheelie!

09 ltx gt

yes you can ajust the transfer rod to give you more ski lift, also I would recommend Ulmers stage 2 clutch kit, not only will you get better performance with it you will get rid of most of the engine breaking, it offers you a much smoother ride through the tight and twistys.
Re: 09 ltx gt

BR* said:
yes you can ajust the transfer rod to give you more ski lift, also I would recommend Ulmers stage 2 clutch kit, not only will you get better performance with it you will get rid of most of the engine breaking, it offers you a much smoother ride through the tight and twistys.

Thanks for the info. That's what I was wondering before giving up on the Apex.
don't let that engine brake scare you away, i hated it the first time i drove my apex, now that i have the skid tuned to my liking i LOVE it!
can't help you with the cold hands, the trick i have found is to keep engine rpm's constant and don't use the brake a lot (unecessary with the engine brake) I had to turn my hand and thumb warmers down and it was 16 on the mountain today.
I hate riding a smoker now because I love the braking effect of my vector soooooooooooooooooooooooooo much.... Every time I hop on my wifes V-max I almost kill myself in the corners............. I own the 05 vector.............. To me it's much better than the new fangled rider forward crap of the newer sleds............. MM.
Sounds like adjustments are needed to suit your style of riding. Engine braking was like a duck to water for me....luv it & would miss braking if it went away. You can do wheelies if that is what you want be need to adjust transfer. What dealer where you talking to? Try Pat's talk to Kip. One man makes the deals & runs service.
X4 on the engine braking. Once you adjust your riding style you will use it to your advantage and you will get through the corners much faster. I have Ulmer's clutch kit which reduces but does not eliminate the engine braking. Trust me, engine braking is a good thing!

For the cold hands get the warm hands controller from Rockmeister! http://www.ty4stroke.com/viewtopic.php?t=67236
X5 on the breaking. Its great now that I've learned to use it to my advantage. I was out riding my srx the other day I was over running the corners a lot more than my apex. Funny how you will get used to something. Another thing was riding my srx was like riding a low rider! I actually got off a couple times to check the suspension because it felt soooo low. Damn ol girl still rocks!
x6 on engine braking. You will know you are adjusted to it when you realize you just ran a really fast section of your favourite trail without even thinking about touching the brakes. Anybody else petrified that the next Apex is not going to have it? Maybe we should start a poll so Mr. Reid can see how many of us really want this feature to remain.
X7 Yeah, it's really nice to be able to accelerate and brake with your thumb. You can enter a corner pretty hot with a tad of throttle to keep engine braking from bleeding off all the momentum and not even touch the brake except for hard braking.
mulderdad said:
X5 on the breaking. Its great now that I've learned to use it to my advantage. I was out riding my srx the other day I was over running the corners a lot more than my apex. Funny how you will get used to something. Another thing was riding my srx was like riding a low rider! I actually got off a couple times to check the suspension because it felt soooo low. Damn ol girl still rocks!
OK so which one is faster my old 07 or your srx,on snow my bet is rtx on ice srx lol cheers,rick.
But think about how much gas you're wasting staying on the throttle so long. I'm not a corner charging rider. I let off early, roll through the corner and hammer out the other side. I've never replaced brake pads on any sled I've owned so I must not be using them much even without engine braking. Current sled has 4300 miles, last one had 3700. And as far as the SRX feeling like a low rider, that's exactly what I like. Like driving a Porsche or Corvette. #*$&@ close to the ground and legs stretched out in front of me. Like a boulevard cruiser street bike with highway pegs. I don't like sitting upright like on my atv. I'm beginning to think I should just buy another triple/triple for less than $3k and use the leftover $6k for other things.
You are correct snerkman go for 3&3 while you can as seems to suit your sit in desire. Rider forward is here to stay no OEM going back to sit in sled. I held out for RF until Apex was released & Apex is the most friendly RF of all the RFs. XP is simular but designed for more stand up riding. Actually you should be hitting the hammer at the apex of the turn but your style is your stlye. I would never go back to a 2 smoker can't stand the smell. When your ride a 4s for a few days you realize how clean they are. You will smell 2 smokers on twistys long before you can establish a line of sight from the rear. My 2 cents is you need to adjust to RF. After 1 season on my Attack I mounted 98 Grand Touring to move from my trailer & hated the sit in position felt old fashion , ackward & could not believe how bad it felt. RF & 4s here to stay so you should try to adjust & evolve with it.
