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The New Secondary Brain Child Is Done And Is Easy To Do

T.S.U.Filmz said:
I have a SRX Maxx perf roller secondary i was going to sell. But i am going to give it a try on my MTX phazer next year. i will have to take a look at it and see what angle and spring are on it and see how it is.

any ideas on a base set up?

I would say 41, 43 or 45 degree helix and I will deffinetly want to try a multi angle helix. I talked with Mountain Performance and they said in there testing that you could go up 2 degrees with roller setup.

Well riders got some snow for a last ditch ride after the new secondary install. To start snow conditions were wet and sticky at 45 degrees with some good piles in the woods yet. The YVX secondary I bought has a 51-43 helix on it set at 60 degree twist with a spring I bought to match stock Phazer secondary. My gearing is 17/41 with 5.8 grams on heel and 3.3 on tip in primary clutch with 144" x 1.75" Back Country Track so I was not expecting very good performance because lack of HP.

Went out on first run and shifted out really qiuck but would not get past 10,600 rpms. I thought it was time to play with primary weights a bit to see if there was any hope for this tall 51-43 helix. Back to garage and took a guess and removed the 5.8 grams from heel and back out I went. It sure is nice to be able to go out and test and change with ease in your garage just teasing a bit. Not a bad guess WOW did this thing pull like a bullet and shift out to peak 11,600 rpms. No bog from start to shift out range and still crawled through the woods like I like.

So with this setup put another 20 miles on in 18" wet snow on two tracks in the shaded part of woods. I did many holeshots and rolling starts and it just shifted out like lightning and pulled up on top of snow like it was something else other than my Phazer. Checked the clutches for temprature and they were cool so no belt slip or belt squell. I can only imagine what it will be like in the powder and dryer snow conditions. It topped out at 74 mph in the sticky snow but man it just gets there. I will say this is a huge seat of the pants difference and I'm not one to ever say much on gains unless it is noticable. I will still tune it in better next year but at least I know were to start.
UP bushman said:
Hey Srxspec what model FX, GT, MTX was the secodary on and do you remember the helix angle you were testing with and was it a straight or multi angle. I put a 42 degree straight helix in stock secondary and it woke up real nice. The first helix I was gone to try is a 43-39 multi angle and see what testing will show. I know there is no magic to a helix number with so many factors invovled. Thanks again for the info and a roller setup is a thought but seems to be limited on helix options with roller.

I had tested it on a FX model stock track, etc. I believe I tried a 45 degree with a red secondary spring and that worked OK for the combination, but I did not spend a ton of time on it.
so what did you end up with i have a07 with rx1 clutch and 1.5 free ride . what gears to run . we ride trail and little of best all around. thanks guys
legend said:
so what did you end up with i have a07 with rx1 clutch and 1.5 free ride . what gears to run . we ride trail and little of best all around. thanks guys

Hey legend I will probably stay with the 17/41 gearing. I want to put anti ratchet drivers on for track slip because I run my track fairly loose. The MTX has a 8 tooth driver and was wanting to go to 9 tooth which will change gear ratio. The chart below will show what will happen to gear ratio with driver change. The MPH are in perfect world conditions but you can get an idea of a potential gain. My sled with 17/41 gearing and new YVX secondary tops out at 82 mph on dream meter with primary setup for top end.

I ran the 19/41 gearing a while back and did not like it but that was with the stock 37 degree helix. The primary weights were also not dialed in neither. I just know the snap I have with the way it is setup now is nasty good. Something like the Nytro from low to mid and man does it get there. So I don't know if the loss of that nasty good for top end would matter much to me. I know I can get 5 mph top end with the weight change in primary if I wanted to. It's decision time and once the drivers are put on your kind of stuck there for the money. Gearing back down would require larger lower gear in chain case and more money.


  • Track Driver Configuration Chart.pdf
    500.1 KB · Views: 385
Hey legend I talked with Wahl Bros. & Avid Products and decided I would stay with the 8 tooth drivers. The reason is with the right gearing and clutching it puts the belt shifted out from 1/2 to 3/4 under load on primary. This will translate to proper belt grab, shift out and temprature of belt staying cool. I had my side and belt cover off when testing and my shift out was at 3/4 up primary under load. To tall of gearing causes bog under load and improper shift out so a few mph don't effect me much.
9 tooth

Upbushman, wanted to let you know my buddie put a 155 2 1/2 inch paddle on his from a nytro so he had to go to 9 tooth drivers and he just put the 17 tooth back in and he has had good results, no bogging etc. Runs great. still haven't got my jackshaft back to test out roller secondary but i'm still riding so may end up still getting to try it out this year.
You will be experimenting.Not hard to do though since 4-st gives a big target.You may hit same target as SBM if you duplicate spring and helix since it is such a big window for 4st but lots of other variables.
A silver spring set at 3-3 (60) and a 43 degree helix will put you real close to SBM. I am gone to stick with the silver spring and 51-43 helix with 9 tooth drivers, 17/41 gearing. It was sweet even in wet sticky snow so should be good in normal snow conditions good luck.
Ok Thanks for that setuptips UP Bushman.

I think I will go for this kind of sec. clutch. I will order some other stuff from SBM so I think he should also be able to deliver helix and spring to this clutch.

Is silver pring and 43 degree helix standard on some Yamaha?

I will go for 151" track with 8T drivers and 17/41 gearing. My plan was to go for the SBM:s Phazer MTX clutchkit stage II. So I have mailed SBM and ask if he can make a similar kit for this setup. As I had understod the stage II kit is only including parts for the sec. clutch is it so?

Otherwise where can I find springs and helix? Is that Yamaha original parts?
Yep there all Yammi parts the silver springs is part #90508-556A7 and cost $20.00, the 43 degree helix is part #8BV-17604-31 and cost $100.00 from Yamaha and $150.00 from others. I would just get the bolt and nut weight asortment from SBM and use your stock primary arms and adjust weight as needed to control rpm. If you notice the primary clutch kits out there they match the stock curve of the MTX arm weights. I have a new 43 degree if you want to buy it PM me if your interested.
I will see what I can find here first I have one that I can buy for a good price but he will check what helix and spring he has to it. Does he not having anything that fits this setup I will buy it without spring and helix.

Up busman: Have you done anything to your primary also?
