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The Totallyamaha Video Production Department

Attak with MCX @ 17 psi on radar, yesterday 7th of january 2006...



Does anyone have any experience with I photo? I was just starting to experiment with some digital video with my Sony Cybershot, which will take about 3 mins worth of video with the 256mb card. I did a couple short clips (about 10 secs.) no problem. Imported and played them back on my computer. Now I took some from the saddle shots one arming through Quebec last week, for about 3 minutes, and I can't get the computer to import them. It starts to, but nothing happens. Any Apple users on here?
another day at the lake. the boy on one of the runs.
dealer didn't have any '05 inside idler wheels so he gave me a set of '06's that he had just to run on the day of this video. one last 5 miles the other lasted 9 miles.
not positive if this was the actual 117 run but I think it was. They ranged from 115-117. few days before we had 118.
returning from a run: http://media.putfile.com/DylanLakeRide
Man, that dude was going slow AND he was on your side of the trail. What did he end up saying to you?
A buddy of mine was in a similar wreck.. except ALOT mor damage and the other dude had just left a bar where had had a couple beers. I would have pounded him if I was there and found out he had been drinking.
