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These 998's rock!!!

Hey @yamamarc I'm doing the Great Northern Expedition in Cochrane on March 7th, 832km in one day going to be AMAZING!!!!!!


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Hey @yamamarc I'm doing the Great Northern Expedition in Cochrane on March 7th, 832km in one day going to be AMAZING!!!!!!
That is awsome buddy!!hopefully we get the storm in forecast!!! If so you are in for an amazing ride.
Trails where starting to get bare spots around timmins
Hey @yamamarc I'm doing the Great Northern Expedition in Cochrane on March 7th, 832km in one day going to be AMAZING!!!!!!

517 miles in one day!
Wow, those trails must be outstanding! I mean they better be smooth and fast for that kind of mileage in one day.

Your personal iron dog!!

I saw something on Facebook concerning a 1000 mile ride, not really a race they claimed, that they are trying to put together in our County trail system. Sounds interesting.

Those trails you speak of must be kinda like those County trails.

If you hit them right, when not much snow is forecasted for the upcoming riding days, they just stay so smooth even in between grooming which they do daily in-some spots like Caribou!

But 517 in one day. Wow!
We all bought lexin b4fm! 100$ each!!
I had my mic freeze and I couldn't talk a few times but I mounted my mic in the mouth cup and would get soaked then freeze.(ckx titan)
The last day i mounted the mic off to the side out of the mouth cup and it was all good

Sounds like a great ride! Have to look into those communicators for next year as well. Never really crossed my radar but looking up the Lexin they are really well rated and cheap. Hoping to get up to NBay in a week or so and get one last blast in.
517 miles in one day!
Wow, those trails must be outstanding! I mean they better be smooth and fast for that kind of mileage in one day.

Your personal iron dog!!

I saw something on Facebook concerning a 1000 mile ride, not really a race they claimed, that they are trying to put together in our County trail system. Sounds interesting.

Those trails you speak of must be kinda like those County trails.

If you hit them right, when not much snow is forecasted for the upcoming riding days, they just stay so smooth even in between grooming which they do daily in-some spots like Caribou!

But 517 in one day. Wow!

A big portion of that loop is like a super highway. Still will take 14/15hrs I would guess, riding in a group with 5 other guys. Ride, fuel, Ride, fuel, eat, repeat lol

They have 400 and 600km loops but that's not hardcore enough lol
A big portion of that loop is like a super highway. Still will take 14/15hrs I would guess, riding in a group with 5 other guys. Ride, fuel, Ride, fuel, eat, repeat lol

They have 400 and 600km loops but that's not hardcore enough lol

Impressive and fun undertaking!
Be safe but fast! Oh boy.
Just getting sled back together after doing maintenance and a full inspection! Found one issue the bolt connecting the skid to the tunnel on the muffler got loose and egged out the hole!!
I blame this one on myself since I had the skid out last summer!!! Thinking I may have forgot the add loctight!!
I called my dealer and the said they will warranty it!! I moved the bolt to the lower hole to get through the season then I will drop it of at the dealer and they can deal with drilling the rivets and reinstalling the new bracket
Hey @yamamarc I'm doing the Great Northern Expedition in Cochrane on March 7th, 832km in one day going to be AMAZING!!!!!!
I wouldn't choose that route for a big mile day. Timmins south to Elk Lake is mostly tight and twisty. Everything else on your route however is fast trail.
I wouldn't choose that route for a big mile day. Timmins south to Elk Lake is mostly tight and twisty. Everything else on your route however is fast trail.

Yeah that part isn't the best, Timmins to Gogama on thr C trail isn't too bad then from there to Elk Lake is ok. It's a Charity ride so this loop is what they have chosen and what we have to do. Not sure if there's a direction we need to take if not im trying to figure out which direction is best. More worried about fuel in the evening where in some small places they may be closed.
Yeah that part isn't the best, Timmins to Gogama on thr C trail isn't too bad then from there to Elk Lake is ok. It's a Charity ride so this loop is what they have chosen and what we have to do. Not sure if there's a direction we need to take if not im trying to figure out which direction is best. More worried about fuel in the evening where in some small places they may be closed.
We left Timmins after lunch and didn't get back to Earlton until after 10 that evening with 2 stops for food. The last fuel stop was before elk lake if I remember correctly, an unattended gas bar. Fuel at Gogama area restaurant and Gowganda also.
The 998's are decent on fuel and no worries about carrying or finding oil.
We left Timmins after lunch and didn't get back to Earlton until after 10 that evening with 2 stops for food. The last fuel stop was before elk lake if I remember correctly, an unattended gas bar. Fuel at Gogama area restaurant and Gowganda also.
The 998's are decent on fuel and no worries about carrying or finding oil.

That's a long time, shouldn't take that long, we'll, hopefully won't take that long anyways! LOL
That's a long time, shouldn't take that long, we'll, hopefully won't take that long anyways! LOL
That's what I thought!
I remember fueling up near Gogama and asking the gentleman how far to Earlton, I say, 'a couple hours' and he says if you make it there that fast I'll be reading about you in the news.
That's a long time, shouldn't take that long, we'll, hopefully won't take that long anyways! LOL
My guess is you will be about 16- 18hrs total to do that run!! We did smoothrock to timmins 2 1/2hrs then timmins to 3 bear lodge in about 2 30 to 3hrs
That's what I thought!
I remember fueling up near Gogama and asking the gentleman how far to Earlton, I say, 'a couple hours' and he says if you make it there that fast I'll be reading about you in the news.
270km yeah should take say 4.5hrs ish, we will see lol

My guess is you will be about 16- 18hrs total to do that run!! We did smoothrock to timmins 2 1/2hrs then timmins to 3 bear lodge in about 2 30 to 3hrs
I think around 16hrs yeah, leave at 7am back at 11pm. Long day!

Smooth Rock Timmins should be less than 2.5hrs depending on conditions but yeah, it's going to be lots of seat time!
