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I follow your line of thought and concur. There is a alot of stress at the attach point.

IRT your question. There is no difference. Shape, and width of the slide at that point are dimensionally the same.

The only difference, or addition, was more aluminum (it's higher and rounded) forward to incorporate the larger wheels that address the hyfax wear issue.

I can see why, but still am perplexed as well, as to why these the rails are cracking. I have babied this sled for 4,000 miles.

Another beautiful day. The temperature was +10 deg F. So, I decided to head back toward Escourt, ME, and take more photos of the area.

I took a trail that went through Soldier Pond, and across Wallagrass Stream using an old but reliable snowmobile bridge.

Wallagrass Stream snowmobile bridge.

My buddy Phil mentioned to me that some ice fishermen were crossing the St John River by sled behind John's Store in St Francis, ME.
I wanted to see for myself how they found a trail across the river with all the monster ice obstacles in the way. Finding a route across the river would save riding 20 miles of trails with marginal snow conditions. While at the store, I also heard some disturbing news; someone had a bad accident riding up the Escourt trail yesterday.
John's Country Store, St Francis ME

I fueled up, and left word at the store, and with my buddy that I was riding alone. If I didn't make it back by night fall, someone would know where to start looking for me.
My first encounter from the shoreline with these huge chunks of ice. I felt like I was in the "Land of the Giants"!

I was quite amazed, I headed east along the river about 100 yards, and sure enough, there was a trail across the river!

Crossing really wasn't that bad. The ice fishermen did a great job weaving their way to the other side.

I made it!

Once across the river, I took the old "rabbit trail" that has been used for many generations.

It was pretty easy riding to get to the trail heading to Escourt.
On trail to Escourt, as always, was in superb shape.

It wasn't very far before I found yesterday's snowmobile accident site.

This is a log truck bridge. The low sides of the bridge are made of 12" x 12" wood beams. According to what was told; the rider was the last man in a group of four sleds, and was trying to catch up. Riding through a series of "S" turns the rider approached the bridge faster than he could control. The sled lost grip, and pushed into the right side of the bridge beam. The rider was thrown off the sled and landed in the stream bed. The sled still with momentum followed the rider over the side of the bridge, and landed on the rider. The rider's buddies returned finding the rider unconscious, and pinned under the sled. The rider was in very bad shape, but alive. A rescue effort was initiated. The rider was transported to the nearest helicopter landing zone, and then airlifted to Bangor Regional Medical Center, nearly 200 miles away. We wish him well, with a complete, and speedy recovery.

Through the woods you can see Bow Lake, which is one of the North Eastern boundries between the US, and Canada.

Reaching the end of the Escourt trail, and the road intersection you will be able to see the US Customs building. Approaching the US Customs building, you will see the snowmobile trail that takes you to the Gaz Bar.
View of US Customs building from the end of the Escourt trail.

Welcome to the Gaz Bar. This is the last fuel stop in Northern Maine, and the US.

I'm all fueled up, and heading to Canada Customs.

Canada Customs building, Pohenegamook, Quebec, Canada.

Straight down the road is the "pointy tip" of Maine.

Departing Canada Customs proceed underneath the bridge and across the street is the Auberge Inn. At the Inn you can purchase Quebec snowmobile trail permits.

As a "point" of interest, the middle of the bridge is the geographic "pointy tip" of Northern Maine.

A look from the bridge is the US and Canada boundry.

Here is a look at the Auberge Inn, where trail permits can be purchased.

Across the street from the Auberge Inn, and next to the rail road bridge is a neat little restaurant with good food, and very reasonable prices. Outside the restaurant are all Yamaha snowmobiles.

Canadian riders heading North across the lake.

I had a great ride returning back home. I just love cruising.
Going back across the St John River.

Another beautiful sunset at the end of a beautiful day.

RS Venture mileage to date.

The round trip ride today was 161 miles. When I got back, I informed those that were waiting to hear from me, that I returned safely back home. ;)! ;)!

To date, I have 4,273 miles for the season, and the TY Mileaqe Fun Contest.

I love riding my red, three holed, iron pony! ;)!
Today, I decided to get organized for our trip New Brunswick, and Gaspe' Canada. We are leaving next week.

I made a list of a few items I needed for the trip.

After breakfast, I got dressed, fired up the sled, and headed for the Walmart, in Presque Isle, ME.

Walmart, Presque Isle, Maine

It's pretty easy to get around by sled. Presque Isle, ME, is very sled friendly.

It wasn't long before I was back on the trail.

Passing by the Presque Isle, Rod and Gun Club, I saw the entrance gate was open, so I pulled in to see if some of my shooting buddies were there.

Sure enough, my old shooting buddy Charlie, and another shooter were out on a Friday afternoon shooting a couple rounds of skeet.
Charlie shooting the high bird on Station 5.

These guy's are pretty hard core shooters. The temperature was +3 degrees F, and the wind chill was atleast -15 degrees F. They love to pull the trigger.
A shooter on Station 2, getting ready to shoot the high bird.

After the round of skeet, we went inside to catch up on all the gossip. After a cup of coffee, and a brief "social," it was time to saddle up again, and head North.

The trails on Friday become very busy. It's not like riding during the week. I took my time, and cruised back to Eagle Lake, ME.
Another glorious sunset.

RS Venture Miles

After the chaincase bearing fix, track, and worn clutch weights being replaced, my three holed, iron pony, is smoothly cranking out miles again.

Coupled with yesterdays 128 miles, plus todays 198 miles, gives me a total of 4,600 miles complete for the season, and the TY Mileage Fun Contest. ;)!
Since February 9th, I have ridden another 405 miles. Most of my riding are in easy areas in order to conserve the sled for a 6 day trip to New Brunswick, and Gaspe' Quebec, Canada. My friend and I depart tomorrow morning. Today, I rode my sled to my dealers in Fort Kent, ME. They knew I would be up to visit today, in order to change out a set of hyfax with a little less than 5,000 miles on them. This was my call, and wanted to change the slides before my 6 day trip. Everything appears in order. The new track has been able to get worked in, re-adjusted, fluids checked, and everything sounds good. Now lets hope "Murphy" doesn't rear his ugly head, and surprise me.
Here are a couple of photo's: Might as well go by sled!
Our Post Office in Eagle Lake, Maine.

A busy day at the Lake View Restaurant.

The end of Long Lake in Van Buren Cove.

Toward the end of March, we have the "Caribou 50" Mile Cross Country Snowmobile Race. The sleds start the race at the Long Lake Sporting Club, then come flying down the lake to Van Buren Cove, and have to squeeze, and transition to the trails to the right, which are not in the photo. They are very tight trails, then ride over, and through the woods, open fields, to end up at the finish line in about 47 minutes. Pretty wild to say the least.

Interesting situation... Three buddies with different sleds. As if I could almost hear what the dicussion was all about. The buddy with the RS Vector could be saying; "Here, try it you'll like it"!

The groomers are doing a great job working with such little snow. They are trying to pull in every bit of snow they can just to keep the trails, and rail beds in shape. Hopefully, we will get some snow by the end of the week.
The trails are getting wider!

Today a couple milestones were surpassed. 05 RS Venture turned 17,000 miles, rolled over 5,000 miles for the season, and the TY Mileage Fun Contest.


To date, I have 5,005 miles complete.

I am ready to go to Canada, and ride the next two segments. ;)!
I finally got my sled back from the shop today, and am back on the trails.

I wanted to ride some areas in Aroostook County, "The County" that were not covered before due to the poor snow conditions. Since the area roughly received 16 inches of snow, trail riding most anywhere is not a problem.

I departed Eagle Lake, ME, and started down our local trail where I found a young bull moose that seemed to be pretty sick. The young bull was in bad shape. He had lost most his hair, and basically was waiting to die. The moose was reported to the wildlife officials. When I returned back home, I found out the moose had been dispatched, so he wouldn't suffer anymore.
Sick moose on the trail.

I fueled up in Fort Kent, ME, and headed East on ITS 85 East towards Frenchville, and Madawaska, Maine. I was quite surprised, despite all the snowmobile traffic from the week of winter break, the trails were in pretty good shape.
Heading on ITS 85 East from Fort Kent, ME

It wasn't long before I entered the Frenchville, ME, grooming area.

The trails were a little "mealy", but still pretty nice.
Here is one of a couple fuel stops to choose from in Frenchville, ME.

The majority of Frenchville, ME, and the surrounding area is farm country, for potato's, grains, such as, oats, and barley. There are a few farms that grow Canola, for oil.

Madawaska, ME, is a much larger town than Frenchville, ME, and is also the most "Northeasterly" town in the US.

Here are the services, and businesses available in Madawaska.

Madawaska, Maine, is a border town on the St John River. Across the river is Edmundston, NB, Canada, which has a large paper pulp mill operation.
The photo shows both Madawaska, Maine, and Edmundston, NB, Canada.

Each year Madawaska, hosts a 4 day International Snowmobile Festival Ride. You may register for $20.00, and are able to ride in Canada. In turn, Canada riders may ride in Maine. It is a very popular event.

Today, I wanted to complete the milestone I had anticipated completing last Saturday.
RS Venture rolling 18,000 miles.

Today's ride was 128 miles. It was a pretty day, and it was good to have my sled back.
RS Venture Miles.

To date, I have completed 6,080 miles for the season, and the TY Mileage Fun Contest.

I love how my little red pony rides! ;)!
Yesterday, I had a great 100 mile back country ride with my buddy Phil.

We went to a place that many sledders pass on the Allagash Trail, (85D) but don't know how to get back into Gardner Pond.

Many locals call this place "Little Switzerland". It's actually part of the Diboullie State Public Reserve Land, and Complex.

The complex is in a "bowl" surrounded by mountains. No other people were there, you receive no bars on your cell phone, and coupled with a beautiful natural setting, makes this place a beautiful place to visit.
A view of Diboullie Mountain, and the old fire observation tower.

Welcome to "Little Switzerland". The rock face is really neat looking.

Hondo on Gardner Pond.

Hondo in front of "Little Switzerland".

It's hard to show by camera the really cool looking features of the mountain, and rock face.

Our cruiser's in front of the "secret passage".

You have to ride along the stream to the "secret passage" to enter the back country complex.

Yesterday evening, my brother ("the cavalry") arrived for his two week sledding vacation. Our buddy T.J. will also be up on Tuesday, so we should be able to crank out some serious mileage, and share some great riding adventures.

My brother has some friends staying in the Rangely area, so we plan to take a ride, and visit. It should be a fun two weeks of riding throughout Northern Maine.

Today, we rode a short 100 mile loop just to get a feel for the trails.

The past week, the schools had their winter break and recess, so the trails took an absolute pounding. The groomers need to spend a day, or two to get them back into shape.

A view of Frenchville, ME and the Saint John River Valley

A look into New Brunswick, Canada.

RS Venture Miles.

To date, I have 6,284 miles complete for the season, and the TY Mileage Fun Contest.

I am really looking forward to the next two weeks! ;)!
Thanks Dan,

Appreciate the acknowlegement.

Did you make it to Gaspe'?

We had good trip, however due to the storm it was a bit rougher than anticipated.

Thanks again! ;)!
We did an out and back into Canada starting and ending at Eagle Lake. Matane was as far as we went out. It was our first trip to Canada and none of us were sure about how many miles we should ride in a day so we took the conservative route. We are planning next years trip to the Gaspe already.
Hi Dan,

Glad to hear you had a bit of the Gaspe' experience. It's a nice area to ride.

During this time next year, my brother and I are planning to ride the entire Gaspe' loop, and may continue on to ride the North shore of the Saint Lawrence, as well.

Now is a better time to ride the Gaspe' loop since the weather is breaking, and becoming little warmer.

Just a thought.

Take care, ;)!
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