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TY Rides 06s today in Minocqua

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Silverbullet - You're absolutely right about the 136 monoshock improvement over last year's skid in the Rage and Warrior. Mind you, last year's skid wasn't bad the monoshock is just that much better.

The real clincher for me was riding the '05 Warrior during the test and hearing that now too familiar slap-slap-slap of the skid doing whatever it does while riding at low speed over bumps. Probably doesn't hurt anything but it just doesn't sound right.

Dano - The sleds were not studded, the conditions were extremely icy, the tracks spun like crazy and it was quite difficult to get a good feel for clutching. There was no way to be sure about the speedo calibration and I was kicking myself for not bringing my GPS. Maybe one of the guys on the upcoming rides will do that for us.

Great report - suprisingly there was nothing to be critical about. But I suppose if you were - you might not get invited back next year huh?

I like the part about 5 1/2 sled lengths faster in the 1/4 and 5 mph faster on top but they wouldn't let you drag em. Throwing out numbers like that and not actually testing it might come off a bit misleading.

And if you are sitting up taller, and don't notice more tippiness, that is incredible, what did they do to alleviate the tippiness that would normally be attributed to that? Did they go to a 13mm swaybar stock or widen the stance?

Did they keep the warmer controls on the right hand too?

You address wind protection and only mention the windshield, the mid height doesn't even stop the wind on the 05's, what about the wind coming around the body and nailing your thighs? Has that been reduced?

Any news on the Cable and Boot for the RA?

I know I am being critical but you guys seem to sugar coat things so much it comes off as unbelievable. Then again - maybe it is just me! Maybe these sleds are all they are cracked up to be.
I think you need to read the report again...if you dont like what I have to say ask the others that attended and wait for the other users from the site that will be riding them in the near future but you sure are judgemental .....

I am aware of the fix on the RA cable but nothing has been released yet

If you look at the 5 sled lengths info, you will see that its posted in the facts that was given to us in the presesntaion....and it does feels that powerful.

Tork and few others cranked in it....120 ish on the lake in a very short distance..

They corner that flat....reason... roll center and mass centralization is changed...other then that, I dont know why they just do....

is there anything else I can answer for you.... :o|
kenlacy said:
Great report - suprisingly there was nothing to be critical about. But I suppose if you were - you might not get invited back next year huh?

Actually, it's probably more a case of being blown away with the new stuff in a short period of time. If we had more time on the machines there's no doubt we'd have started nitpicking more.

I like the part about 5 1/2 sled lengths faster in the 1/4 and 5 mph faster on top but they wouldn't let you drag em. Throwing out numbers like that and not actually testing it might come off a bit misleading.

They strongly qualified that statement by saying it was a compilation of test results comparing stock vs. stock units over a long period of time in greatly varied locations and conditions. We probably could have lined up the '05 machines but they felt like such pooches in comparison I don't think anyone thought to do it. Besides, how many folks do you know who leave their sleds completely stock? We already have folks asking us how we think the Apex will compare to an RX1 with ECP and Heavy Hitters.

And if you are sitting up taller, and don't notice more tippiness, that is incredible, what did they do to alleviate the tippiness that would normally be attributed to that? Did they go to a 13mm swaybar stock or widen the stance?

I believe the icy test conditions combined with stock carbides and no studding prevented us from really making a hard "tippy test". That being said, the Apex/Attak simply felt flatter than the others. The only tall position sled I had lifting the inside ski was the Nytro.

Did they keep the warmer controls on the right hand too?

Yes, the warmer controls are the same as '05. The Apex GT allows you to toggle the left rocker switch between grip warmer and shock adjust by selecting the mode on the gauge pod.

You address wind protection and only mention the windshield, the mid height doesn't even stop the wind on the 05's, what about the wind coming around the body and nailing your thighs? Has that been reduced?

I personally didn't notice wind at the body and thighs as there was so much coming over the ornament called a windscreen that it all became relative. The windshield on the Attak did not provide as much protection as the '05 machines, honestly didn't take notice of the thigh and body protection. Again, limited time on the machines and pretty warm temps at +27F.

Any news on the Cable and Boot for the RA?

We asked, they said they had something but didn't elaborate.

I know I am being critical but you guys seem to sugar coat things so much it comes off as unbelievable. Then again - maybe it is just me! Maybe these sleds are all they are cracked up to be.

We were quite concerned about that perception as well and had some lengthy discussion in that regard. I believe the statement going around the table was something like "The guys on the site are like piranhas, they'll tear us apart if we come back with anything but telling it like it is."

I think that's a good thing but I've got thick skin and have also been accused of being a masochist. ;)!
I just felt like someone slapped me and I put a lot of time into that report.....Steve thanks for your precise response...It was a great honor to have you on out test team ;)!
Thanks Steve and Mr. Sled for your replys.

People are going to spend in the area of $10,000 on a new sled. So Ya I'll be critical/judgemental. I have said more than a few times that Yami has done an awesome job and should be commended. I am a little disappointed they caved all their 150HP sleds to the rider forward but hey we all don't get what we want.

And maybe I am stubborn, maybe I am looking at it too logically but the REV and F-cat both suffer from tippiness in the corners while trail riding because of the rider forward so I have a hard time believing the Yami won't be the same way. They also both suffer from getting thrown around a little more at high speeds.

Personally, coming from running the lakes a lot - probably the first thing I or most that I run with would have wanted to do was line em up. I can see the Stock 05 RX-1 get taken off the line but 5.5 lengths and 5 mph in the 1/4 is a pretty strong statement . I would imagine an 05 with the ECP would probably be neck in neck as mine significantly improved with the ECP.

It is too bad I have many issues to deal with tommorrow or we would have had to come out to Grand View, crash the party and do a little harassing :) Would be fun to have the Mach and Fusion out there too.
Tom thank you for the great report and all the facts as you saw them. You got me pumped for tomorrow, at least as much as a old man can be with all you kids.. Looking foward to meeting you and the rest. THANKS AGAIN. Keep up the HONEST reports. Thats all we can ask for. Terry
Outstanding work guys, thanks for the time & effort (especially Mr. Sled's) resulting in such an extensive report. Just one question, in your opinion, for those of us who are <6' will the new platform be just as comfortable in long (200+ miles/day) rides?
As far as the unstable feel, I would have to rate the Attak as the most stable sled and would have to judge that based on the longer track. But compared to my 05 RX1, I felt more sure footed on the Apex then the RX1.

For tall riders I can honestly say it actually felt tighter on the Attak but it was due to that hard trunk flap, and that was odd due to they all will have the same seat so I wrote that off to pre production. I did express my feeling about the seat and that I would rather see a soft flap for the trunk. Yamaha reassured me that those items are under the microscope and that we will be please with the outcome.
Dang I wish the snow in Brainerd would've been a little better so we could've gotten to ride on more than just the lake and justified my 7 hr one way trip. I guess I'll just sit at my desk here at work and :o| thinking about what coulda been! :(

Now the real question is......who wrote that report for you Tom? We all know it couldn't of been you either that or you gave up :drink: for one night! :moon: :tg: :rocks:
kenlacy said:
Thanks Steve and Mr. Sled for your replys.

People are going to spend in the area of $10,000 on a new sled. So Ya I'll be critical/judgemental. I have said more than a few times that Yami has done an awesome job and should be commended. I am a little disappointed they caved all their 150HP sleds to the rider forward but hey we all don't get what we want.

And maybe I am stubborn, maybe I am looking at it too logically but the REV and F-cat both suffer from tippiness in the corners while trail riding because of the rider forward so I have a hard time believing the Yami won't be the same way. They also both suffer from getting thrown around a little more at high speeds.

Personally, coming from running the lakes a lot - probably the first thing I or most that I run with would have wanted to do was line em up. I can see the Stock 05 RX-1 get taken off the line but 5.5 lengths and 5 mph in the 1/4 is a pretty strong statement . I would imagine an 05 with the ECP would probably be neck in neck as mine significantly improved with the ECP.

It is too bad I have many issues to deal with tommorrow or we would have had to come out to Grand View, crash the party and do a little harassing :) Would be fun to have the Mach and Fusion out there too.

Ive ridin with 5 separte F sleds.... They handle better than the 05 and previuos RX sleds handls down out of the box...... even with skis and 13mm swaybar my sled handled maybe as good as them..
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