Want HOT hands?..It can be done!!! EDITED FIRST POST

rehm70 said:
I am confused, can this mod be done to make the '07 bars hotter?

i don't think so, if you keep the 07'/ updated on for the 06' and your hands are still cold, i would recommend gauntlets, i have them on mine and it takes alittle to get use to but no-more cold hands, i don't feel like yamaha is going to do anymore about handwarmers there going to sweep it under the rug and move forward, this is my opinion
so why doesn't it work with the updated hand warmers?

The '06 OEM bars were wired in parallel the '06 replacement bars are wired in series. There is no way on the replacements to further increase the voltage like you are doing when using the replacement harness on the OEM heaters. Full voltage on the OEM wired in series will end up failing the heaters eventually and possibly melt the grips. On settings below 1/2 of full scale you will likely be ok and find this is too hot and back off from there.
rehm70 said:
I am confused, can this mod be done to make the '07 bars hotter?

NO you cannot make 07 bars any hotter other then foaming,but this will only help slightly.....

OK guys...here it is...the straight word....

I rode all day....ran full blast quite abit,and also ran slower..also had my heated shield plugged in...idled it awhile too......ABSOLUTLY NO ISSUES!

the wiring harness for 07 simply changes the bars from parallel to series..which increase voltage and makes them hot....It does the same thing on 07 bars,...if you plug 07 bars in directly,without harness they are COLDER then with harness..so harness makes BOTH sets of bars hotter...but the 06 bars use hotgrips which always are hotter.

the HOOKS still obviously dont heat...but your hands are so hot it really doesnt matter IMO...I did foam mine too,but you DONT NEED TO FOAM these..as they are super hot!

we had about 10 sleds out today...and maybe 5 apexs...every single sled had cool bars...guys all walked over to mine at IDLE and took off gloves and all couldnt believe what they felt!..HOT!

now,you Will NEVER need to run these on HI...I tested them on HI for some time,to be sure nothing went wrong....they get super hot and you need to turn down to MIDDLE just to keep hands from burning....middle is where i ran them most all day...and my hands were super super toasty all day...I had to lower them down for sometime to one BAR,just to cool my hands down....you can ALSO turn them OFF by using NO BARS on guage.

My theory:

why didnt yammie just give us the harness to change from parallel to series?

IMO....yammie Knew they could get more juice to them by going to series...so they did by adding the harness.....HOWEVER,there was a zillion guys talking about how COLD the hooks were and how they wikked away the heat ect ect....SO,IMO yammie figured they had BETTER address the cold HOOKS too,so we would all be happier...

WELL,when they produced the new bars...I BELIEVE they never got tested with both the harness(series) and new bars thouroghly....they just assumed they would get hotter like the 06 bars do with series harness....BUT ofcourse those element tape heaters have to heat the entire bar,while hotgrip 06 style always are known to be hotter,as they heat grip only.....this is where yammie dropped the ball....they didnt TEST the harness AND new heat tape bars IMO!

dont worry about how hot they get....they are putting out the EXACT same power as they designed them too with this harness....nothing changes from 07 setup in power output....EXCEPT the HOTGRIPS 06 style get hotter...and we all know hotgrips on yammies have gotten super hot for yrs without issues to grips...thats ALL,plain and simple..

the good news....My heated shield worked PERFECTLY like always...and Headlight was bright at always.

MY conclusion,this is the FIX we all have been waiting for!

yamaha,you are WELCOME!..LOL

Guys with 06 bars still and no harness..Im sure you can make up a harness to change from parallel to series....you might want to look at the harness or a buddies sled ....

there is a schematic on one of these threads about handlebars....with a pic of instructions for 07 bars...that shows how the harness is made up....rather simple. actually.....

you 07 guys,Im not sure really what you can do...we had an 07 rtx there and his grips were cold!....maybe 07 guys can find guys who changed to 07 and buy there 06 bars off them?....lol

what a fiasco!
Great work Machzed! You've saved us all a lot of hassle.

Here is the schematic for the '07 harness:


New bars thread here:

Factory grips are wired in series (WD attached)



Wired Grips Wrong? If the instructions described wiring the grips in "series" then that means voltage goes into one grip then out to the second grip before reaching electrical ground. "Parallel" wiring would mean each grip has it's own ground wire. Most Hot Grips® are wired in "series", so each grip only effectively gets 6 volts on a 12 volt system. (Note that Honda Gold Wing and Harley Davidson specific model Hot Grips® are wired in "parallel" which means each grip will get 12 volts and have it's own ground.) If your grips were mistakenly wired in "parallel", then each is trying to work off 12 volts, which would mean the load on the electrical system would be 60 watts per grip instead of 15. (The electrical Ohm's Law rule reads: Volts x volts divided by ohms equals watts) 60 watts is far too great, and if your system could keep up with this demand, the grips would melt, but more likely your electrical system is overloaded, and this can cause problems such as blown fuses, damaged components, or poor heat output.

Low Voltage at Idle: On vehicles without a battery, often the voltage at idle is much less than 12 volts, so don't expect to get normal heat from the Hot Grips® at idle. And raising the engine rpm while sitting still won't do it, since it takes several minutes of 12 volts to get the heat built up in the grips, it is not instant heat. On a non-battery system, generally the voltage is in the 5 to 8 range, not enough for the grips, and then as you ride off, the voltage goes up to 12-13 and stays there. This is the reason your headlights are dimmer when at idle.

Yamaha Special Note: On some Yamaha snowmobiles the original equipment grips are fed 18 volts in series so that each grip receive 9 volts. This results in 27 watts per grip , which explains why Yamaha grips are the hottest grips on the market.

EDIT: The manual states the Apex is capable of producing 14volts/35amps/490watts at 5000rpm. The manual doesn't state, however, idle or amp draw of entire system (lighting, fuel, ignition)


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    Grip Circuit (series).jpg
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HAMMER said:
The Apex is capable of producing 45amps from 5000rpm and up.

Factory grips are wired in series (WD attached)

Wired in parrallel they would produce (HI) 75% more heat

110*F + 75% = 192.5*F

excuse the ignorance...but are you saying this will work but is a negative on the system potentially?
excuse the ignorance...but are you saying this will work but is a negative on the system potentially?
Well, let me say this. My new bars still haven't shown up but if nothing has failed on machs sled by the time I get them I'm going to giver a go. I can't fricken take the cold hands deal. Desperate times call for desperate measures, eh mach.


Just read another post same subject (I didn't know the resistance before when I figured 75% increase) and I don't see a fuse listed so I'm wondering what would fail first.

The 06' grips are ~2.2 Ohms each and wired in series. This means that there is 4.4 Ohms resistance in the circuit. Assuming 12.0 volts D.C. heres the math.

06' (Stock in Series)
Watts= Volts ^2 / Resistance, = 12.0^2 / 4.4 Ohms = 32.7 Watts Total.
Amperage= Watts / Volts, = 32.7W / 12.0 V = 2.73 Amps.

06' (Stock in Parallel)
R(parrallel)= (R1XR2)/(R1+R2), = (2.2X2.2)/(2.2+2.2),= 4.84/4.4= 1.10 Ohms.
Watts= Volts^2 / Resistance, = 12.0^2 / 1.10 Ohms = 130.9 Watts Total.
Amperage= Watts / Volts, = 130.9 W / 12.0 V = 10.9 Amps


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Did the swap on my Nytro today and wow, heat, alot of heat! They were so hot on full had to turn them down to half. Finally warm hands, no, hot hands. ;)!

thanks for all the TECH info....it all is very useful.....Im sure no matter what someone told me I was going to try this no matter what..LOL.

I thought my system would be taxed more(low headlight or frosted shield maybe) but nothing bad showed up all day....I dont even think running them on HI would melt anything,but you dont need them that hot.

the way i see it(and this might be wrong).....yammie designed that harness for the updated bars....its the harness that is creating MORE POWER,NOT THE GRIPS....so in essence yammie designed this sytem to work.It just so happens they dropped the ball by not testing the NEW HEAT TAPE grips,and they obviously dont get hot enough.

IF my above statement is true..then there should be NO issues with electical system....the worst thin i could see happening is possibly melting a grip.But as I said you dont need to run them that hi,simple.

And those of use who recall hotgrips from yammie of older sleds..those things would get so hot(like these now)...and never had any ill effects.

Ill be the first to post if something goes wrong here...and I do admit it was only one day of riding,but man it felt great to have the warmest grips out of 20 sleds all day!..

SharkAttak said:
good job, Dan..... what about the thumb warmer did it take anything away from that?

thumb is same as always(hot)...as i said several time...EVERYTHING works fine and had no ill effects on any electrical.Light,shield and all worked fine.

machzed said:
SharkAttak said:
good job, Dan..... what about the thumb warmer did it take anything away from that?

thumb is same as always(hot)...as i said several time...EVERYTHING works fine and had no ill effects on any electrical.Light,shield and all worked fine.


Not the electrical wiz here, but I have a Gt 07, you are saying that if I put 06 bars, I am home free ?

Reason I ask, is that, yesterday I flipped my sled and one of my damages is the bars got bent badly out of shape and need to be replaced. Just foamed them and they were warm too, but I like the 06 bars better (had an er 06) so if this is right, I prefer putting the 06 bars.
This all sounds great... Why don't we all get on the phone to Yamaha's toll free number and complain that the bar update that we paid for doesn't work.
