What's the point with all the add ons ?????

Mar 9, 2009
Reaction score
I have taken notice on many of the Sidewinder forums of riders spending a fortune on a sled and then adding a boatload of power upgrades. Why ? Is it a ego trip for those to attain bragging rights during their 5 minutes of fame during their show and tell session ?.I do not understand the reason to have to power up on a sled that's already perfectly tuned and makes a lot of power right out of the box.Let's face the truth ,I like power as well but came to my own sense of reasoning for the most part all that extra add on power never really gets used when riding to try and stay in control without damaging your sled or someone else.Would it make more sense possible!y to purchase a stock VIPER FOR HALF THE COST AND THEN BUILD TO SUIT DEPENDING ON HOW MUCH HUNGER YOUR DESIRE IS ??.Basically a stock Sidewinder has all those bells and whistles,adding to much power add ons makes the machine not trail worthy and less reliable. So what's the point. ????
When we had 50hp sleds we had to make them have 60. When we had 100, then they had to be modified to make 120. We used to tow those sleds with 140hp trucks. Now we tow with 400hp. Why do you need 400hp to tow a sled? You don't. But you can and you will!
Once upon a time someone built a snowmobile. Then someone built another one. Been racin ever since!
I have taken notice on many of the Sidewinder forums of riders spending a fortune on a sled and then adding a boatload of power upgrades. Why ? Is it a ego trip for those to attain bragging rights during their 5 minutes of fame during their show and tell session ?.I do not understand the reason to have to power up on a sled that's already perfectly tuned and makes a lot of power right out of the box.Let's face the truth ,I like power as well but came to my own sense of reasoning for the most part all that extra add on power never really gets used when riding to try and stay in control without damaging your sled or someone else.Would it make more sense possible!y to purchase a stock VIPER FOR HALF THE COST AND THEN BUILD TO SUIT DEPENDING ON HOW MUCH HUNGER YOUR DESIRE IS ??.Basically a stock Sidewinder has all those bells and whistles,adding to much power add ons makes the machine not trail worthy and less reliable. So what's the point. ????

Its what we do and thats why over half of us are here. Not only to make our sleds better and faster , but also that slight edge over the other guy for the bragging rights..
It is what it is. To me modding is fun and makes my sled mine.

Think of it this way.
Why does a dog lick his b@!!z.

Because he can!
I have taken notice on many of the Sidewinder forums of riders spending a fortune on a sled and then adding a boatload of power upgrades. Why ? Is it a ego trip for those to attain bragging rights during their 5 minutes of fame during their show and tell session ?.I do not understand the reason to have to power up on a sled that's already perfectly tuned and makes a lot of power right out of the box.Let's face the truth ,I like power as well but came to my own sense of reasoning for the most part all that extra add on power never really gets used when riding to try and stay in control without damaging your sled or someone else.Would it make more sense possible!y to purchase a stock VIPER FOR HALF THE COST AND THEN BUILD TO SUIT DEPENDING ON HOW MUCH HUNGER YOUR DESIRE IS ??.Basically a stock Sidewinder has all those bells and whistles,adding to much power add ons makes the machine not trail worthy and less reliable. So what's the point. ????

Reading your post, it Sounds like you already already formed your opinion on it, but ill bite.
Myself, i do what makes me happy and could care less what the next guy does.
Its not a keeping up with the jones thing for me, its that i want the best performance i can get out of my sled and if that means spending money and installing mods, than so be it.
Why do people play chess. Its a boring game. Why do people have children, they just cost you a ton of money.
See where this is going
If everyone of us enjoyed the exact same things in life, the world would be a pretty boring place.
Reading your post, it Sounds like you already already formed your opinion on it, but ill bite.
Myself, i do what makes me happy and could care less what the next guy does.
Its not a keeping up with the jones thing for me, its that i want the best performance i can get out of my sled and if that means spending money and installing mods, than so be it.
Why do people play chess. Its a boring game. Why do people have children, they just cost you a ton of money.
See where this is going
If everyone of us enjoyed the exact same things in life, the world would be a pretty boring place.

I have taken notice on many of the Sidewinder forums of riders spending a fortune on a sled and then adding a boatload of power upgrades. Why ? Is it a ego trip for those to attain bragging rights during their 5 minutes of fame during their show and tell session ?.I do not understand the reason to have to power up on a sled that's already perfectly tuned and makes a lot of power right out of the box.Let's face the truth ,I like power as well but came to my own sense of reasoning for the most part all that extra add on power never really gets used when riding to try and stay in control without damaging your sled or someone else.Would it make more sense possible!y to purchase a stock VIPER FOR HALF THE COST AND THEN BUILD TO SUIT DEPENDING ON HOW MUCH HUNGER YOUR DESIRE IS ??.Basically a stock Sidewinder has all those bells and whistles,adding to much power add ons makes the machine not trail worthy and less reliable. So what's the point. ????

So many are going to give you their comments....here is mine.

I do it for the Vendors....cause without them our sport would die fast.
I do it for my racing
I do it for the members on this forum (testing, reviews, information)
Ego trip? Bragging rights? I don't see this as to someone who personally wants their sled to go fast and a person that has the money to do so.
What's the point in questioning what others do?
