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One gallon of gas = 7lbs.

I haven't switched yet, but next year I'll be on an Attak if Cat doesn't have something up their sleeve. I've been on Cats since '81. Only had problems with one sled of the whole bunch. I won't be jumping ship because of reliability issues, but because Yammi built the Attak and Cat didn't. I longtracked my ZR 3 yrs ago and am hooked on the 136". When Yammi released info last year on the Attak, and then I sat on one 2 weeks ago, I knew it had my name all over it. I don't like the Fcat chassis, and I already have a very fast and reliable ZR, so Cat really has nothing that's worth me trading the ZR. I like the Crossfire chassis a lot, but I want a triple (or 4 cyl, lol) 4-stroke instead of the same 'ole twin motor. For me, it's just a matter of who's building what I want. I will not be getting rid of the ZR when I get an Attak next year, as it's been a bullet-proof sled. The worst thing about me switching, is that I won't be able to rely on my dealer anymore, and he's been awesome. If Cat releases anything close to the Attak, my dealer will be the deciding factor that keeps me in the Green.

I used to ride a 2001 Polaris Indy XC. Now I've upgraded to an Apex GT. :4STroke:
New to the sport (4years), I was taken in by Doo fans. I think a couplke things brought me over
1. 4 stoke
2 GT suspension
3. looks
4. If you look at Yamaha's total brand line, they are very successful in many areas, I think that is a company philosophy of quality of a company I want to due business with. we'll see
Two 06 Rage- Candy Red snow checked [set up and ready for pick up at dealers now].
Have had everything except Yamaha , but mostly Polaris , 10 since 1975. Was very happy with Polaris, but for 06 Yamaha just came way out on top with the things I felt were important. Plus you guys helped make up my mind.
I had polaris sleds for years,MY last one was a 02 xc8,what a disapointment.Went to a Cat,03 zr8. That was a good sled,but I had a chance to trade in Feb for a new 04 Warrior,what a HOOT! liked it so much I just sold my last remaining polaris (wifes 04 xc6)and picked up new 05 rage! She's not sure about it yet,(hasen't seen it)but I know she'll be a full blown Yamaha chick after the first ride! So I guess you could say we're TOTALLY YAMAHA now! Jay
After 10 years of riding and owning 5 Ski-doo's I felt it was time for a change.I average about 5000kms per season and my main riding partner has a had an RX-1 since 2002 and it allways pissed me off that he used about 60% of the fuel I did(800 Legend s/e),which is enough of a difference to pay for our rooms every night.
It was not until I saw the new sleds that I even thought of the Yammi,but It was enough to go ahead and order a new Attack for myself.I am looking forward to the first ride :D
Hmmmmm lets see...

My first sled was an old 250 Polaris Colt...slow but reliable
Kawasaki Invader...Awesome sled, very fast.
91 Pol RXL...Good sled as well..Not a single problemo
96 Indy Trail....loved it very much
97 Pol XLT...Yuck, what a dud! Worst sled I ever owned!
97 Storm, loved that sled as well, fast and never had a problem
01 Polaris XC 600, was definitely my favourite sled ever!!! Until......

I purchased my 05 RX1...I know its not an Apex GT, but to all the skeptics out there, try the new 4-strokes and you'll become a believer...They flat-out rock!!!

I'll stick with my 05 RX1 until next year when they tweak all this years goodies:) :moon:
A good friend of mine still has his Invader and rides it on the trails. Gas mileage is terrible and the suspension travel is non-existent, but it does fly! I had a 2001 XC 600 too and loved that sled...until 05 RX-1 with the mono shock. Never looked back after that.
