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WNYS Yamaha ride----January 18-21

I'm sorry to report that most likely Tim Graham(Airmech) won't be making the trip out with Viperman and I. His wife Dawn had emergency surgery before Thanksgiving. A tumor was removed from her colon and it was cancerous. At this point they don't know if she will have to undergo Chemo and/or radiation. She has 3-4 months recovery time ahead and he is dedicating all his time to her. Any of you guys that have been on earlier NY TY rides more than likely met Tim. If anyone would like to send a card to help perk her spirits up the address is 613 Zimmer Ave., Endicott, NY 13760.
I'm all for doing slow casual rides as well as the quick ride racking up the miles, taking pics along the way, taking it easy....never seems to be what the group consensus is though.

Maybe hit some off trail when available, get some action shots. Shoot..I don't even bring my camera on the rides anymore to document the ride because the pics apparently take too much time...haha

I agree with the Apres activity too...good idea. I keep mentioning a place to have our ride/s out of in Tug Hill that would be perfect (well is, I ride with another group that stays there and it is always a blast) for this type of Apres activity and hanging after riding. Guess it's not High-Falootin' enough for the NY TY'ers apparently.

Me and you will have a NY ride of our own Boomer.
RX-1MAN said:
I'm sorry to report that most likely Tim Graham(Airmech) won't be making the trip out with Viperman and I. His wife Dawn had emergency surgery before Thanksgiving. A tumor was removed from her colon and it was cancerous. At this point they don't know if she will have to undergo Chemo and/or radiation. She has 3-4 months recovery time ahead and he is dedicating all his time to her. Any of you guys that have been on earlier NY TY rides more than likely met Tim. If anyone would like to send a card to help perk her spirits up the address is 613 Zimmer Ave., Endicott, NY 13760.

Sorry to hear that, Dave. Pass thoughts and prayers onto Tim, wife, and their kid/s. Cancer is a b&*ch!!
More riders allow for more friendships to be made, more good times, and more knowledge shared. Can the intersections, road crossings, or woodlot entrances enable the fairly aggressive rider to catch up? I've ridden with some of you guys before, and am looking forward to this ride and making new friends. :Rockon:
Sorry to hear about the Medical problems. Cancer seems to touch each and every family, and if it hasn't yet! It WILL! Ten years this year for loosing our little boy, it still hurts, BIG TIME!

As for our riding, I have loved every minute of it! Although it was hard to watch the pain last year when a few showed up unprepared. They didn't realize it till we were hours from home. This is NOT a novus group. We are all well prepared for most any problem that may arise.We all have enjoyed high miles! I have had four back ops, with about 15 inchs of steel rods, and eight screws up both sides of my spine, I don't ride nearly as agressive as some, but I sure do like putting miles on, as do most in our group. I for one don't want to get dressed for a couple hours of ridin, and I certainly don't want to drive six hours for a couple in the mornin,and a couple in the afternoon. see ya tommorrow for the same.
The riding down here can be wonderful, but NOT Old Forge smooth.We have volentier groomer operators as do most of NYS. If You want smooth OF is the place for YOU! Thats where I take the wife. Not the BOYS! Lets ride!
I must be stupid. What is Apres activity? Never heard of it. Like I mentioned before. I am planning on setting up a 3 day ride for those who don't want to ride quit as fast as our normal group does. I'll just have to grin and bear it. Details will be coming shortly. Stay tunned.
Ok now I'm wondering too - just what are these rides like? We usually do about 160 to 180 miles in a typical day down there depending on the route and conditions. What are you guys thinking?
I don't think theres been many times that we went more miles than that Pat. Boomer has had back problems and can't do that many, thats all.

We also should set something up for a no snow, so don't show ride. Where should we go for an alternative? Anywhere is OK with me, I just want to see those smiling faces, and hear the snomobiling stories. Looking forward to some great riding!
We had some equipment troubles last year at 30 below, and each and everyone one of us waited for the slower riders. They were hurting and there was nothing we could do to help, just had so slow down and wait for them. Did the group ever leave anyone? I don't recall it. Boomer, sorry you feel we ride to fast, but theres gotta be more to it than that. I never thought I rode fast, just steady with lotsa miles. I can not ride with my nephew and his buddies, they are just to fast, and will not slow or wait at all. Then theres the five drink minimum every half hour. NOT my kind of ridin. Then again if you ride like 50 miles a day at home and all of a sudden you are asked to do 175 three days in a row, your gonna be in trouble. not just the back but the whole body!
Well then I'll give it a try! Probably gonna have at least a couple buddies too. One on a 2011 Nytro - a Doo convert. The others will be on Doos and at least 1 Rush if they can make it. Be kind! :)
Dianne and I will be praying for Tim's wife Dawn. Cancer has hit my family hard. I have had many aunts & uncles who had cancer. My sister is currently being treated for Lung cancer & some tumors on her brain My wife Dianne had breast cancer 10 years ago this winter. I was with her for two operations, all her Chemo sessions and all her Radiation sessions. The good news is she has now been cancer free for almost 10 years, and I still got 2,700 miles of snowmobiling in, the Winter she had cancer.
I hear ya BBW. My wife Annette had breast cancer 1996, she's still going strong today.

150-200 miles a day is perfect for me. I think we did have a 325 miler one time but that's rare. The only time we've ran into problems that I remember is when a rider doesn't wait at a road crossing or trail junction to make sure the guy behind him knows where the group is heading.

If there is no snow in western NY I'm not sure where we will find any. We can always go to Star Lake, I hear the riding up there is great(when they have snow) :tg:
