Yamaha sidewinder big turbo clutching


Dec 26, 2018
Reaction score
Mo i Rana
Yamaha nypex mcx 400
Hello. I got a custom race sidewinder with arround 400-450hp. But cant figure out what i should use in the secondary clutch to get all the power into the snow. What helix and spring do you guys recommend for drag and trail riding.

Thomas, Norway.
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Stock clutches on 400-450hp?
At that power i would definitely go with billet clutches..
Dave at Hurricane or Thunder Products could help you out
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Thats ALOT of Hp!!!!:Rockon:
Tapp primary clutch and apex secondary atm. Yes, the plan was to buy a billet STM secondary clutch for next season.
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Tap primary clutch and apex secondary atm. Yes, the plan was to buy a billet STM secondary clutch for next season.
for the tapp primary just keep adding weight on the arms till u get your desired rpm that u want , as for the secondary i would start with the stm , green spring middle hole , 46 / 36 helix , good luck
If just drag racing in snow, a straight 45 or 46 with green Cat spring in a STM driven
Thanks. Have been running apex secondary last season with green AC spring and a 47 helix. But it seem to shifting out to fast. It will not hit the rpm limiter even with no extra weight in the primary. RPM limiter set to 9800.
So I think its strange with so much HP and zero extra weight in the primary. Gaining speed very slow and its feel like it have a lot of turbo lag. Is the helix to step? Can feel the belt also slipping in high speed.
Have you confirmed you’re making the desired boost?
Thanks. Have been running apex secondary last season with green AC spring and a 47 helix. But it seem to shifting out to fast. It will not hit the rpm limiter even with no extra weight in the primary. RPM limiter set to 9800.
So I think its strange with so much HP and zero extra weight in the primary. Gaining speed very slow and its feel like it have a lot of turbo lag. Is the helix to step? Can feel the belt also slipping in high speed.

Double check your boost and RPM. Your sled should be mental if it truly has 400+ hp. We have a drag viper that makes 450ish horse and it pulls away from a 300 horse sidewinder at the same rate a 300 horse sidewidner pulls a stock 800cc sled. STM primary with stock secondary, 50/43 helix and purple spring.
Running a stm secondary now with 46/36 helix and black/lime spring. But will the top end be bad with that low angle on the end of helix? Looking for heavy acceleration on 200-300m. So wondering if a 46 or 47 will be better? Or maybe a 44. Any suggestions?
You should be around or close to a 50 start with stm and pulling a 42-44 finish
It’s all about what kind of traction you have and I can guarantee a 40 plus finish on a billet stm the sled will et better and run bigger top end
Don’t run a heavy spring in the back either
Softer is faster
Straight works too
46/36 works with 150 less hp decent
Go up
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You should be around or close to a 50 start with stm and pulling a 42-44 finish
It’s all about what kind of traction you have and I can guarantee a 40 plus finish on a billet stm the sled will et better and run bigger top end
Don’t run a heavy spring in the back either
Softer is faster
Straight works too
46/36 works with 150 less hp decent

Aha:) I have a straight 44 in the garage, maybe I should try that when Im waiting to order some more. What spring doo you recommand? I see very many use the purple one? Is that soft enough?
What hole do you run green in?
With 46/36 on trail setup with 280 hp I ran it in hole 1
