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YAMAHEATER Nice Warm Hands for 03 - Current Yamaha 4 Strokes

Hi Guys!

Not a problem to ask what the status of your Warm Hands is.

Just a few things:
If you did not include your username in the paypal notes, I have NO good way to connect you here to you there.
Best bet, if you need to know your status, is send me a PM with your real name and email address, and the date you sent it in.
That way I CAN connect the two together.

Make SURE you put the following in your Paypal note:
Your TY username.
What Model sled this is for.
Your email address.
How you derived the total.

Any other information you need to convey to me.

Has taken many hours to connect people from TY to Paypal so far with this information missing.

If you need shipped to a different address from your Paypal address, it is ALOT more work, and it won't send you a tracking number.
Can be done but wouldn't suggest it, if you are ok with shipping to your Paypal address, I would suggest that.
If your Paypal address is not completely filled out, same thing.

The USPS does pretty well getting them to you, but their tracking sux! :o|
Alot of times you have the package before the USPS site even shows as actually having it in their hands, but at least you know it was shipped then.

Right now have shipped everything ordered through the 9th of Jan and some from the 10th.
Will have the 10th and the 11th complete this weekend.
Maybe even some from the 12th.

Generally what I have done is take one from each days production and send to someone that is going on a trip soon (Especially if you are a VIP member), working to get you guys taken care of! ;)!

Have tons of parts and am doing well in production, with the exception of cases, the supplier promised me I will have them by Tuesday, so will be sending a BUNCH out Wed and Thurs after potting and final testing.
(Potting is a 12 hour process, so even if everything is in place, it still takes time to complete and final test them. Every unit is tested just pefore packing, want every single one to WORK for you.)

EDIT: Found some cases locally so I can continue to get them out to you. :Rockon:

Hope this helps! :-o
apex*snowman said:
Will you install my handwarmers, then we can ride in the the colorado mts, 10,000-13500 feet ---- talk about cold. I will be going to grandlake on sunday with both of my kids 32 and 34. :jump: :jump: :jump: Both of them have been riding for years there first sled were 1985 yamaha 250 with ther names on them.
I will be standing by for my new set up for the cold handwarmers. The snow report is 36" in the last snowstorm----lets ride :jump:

Would Sooooo love to!!!

When I am caught up and ahead in production, I very well may take you up on that!

Hoping to get a couple days riding in this week! *crosses fingies*
I am soooo far behind in trips and miles for this year! :o|

Shipped your orders through the 12th today.
(There were alot on the 12th.)
And a few from the 13th. ;)!
Check your email, should have a notice and a Tracking number.

Down to less than 6 days lead time, I love it! :jump:

My goal is to have some Controllers on-hand ready to ship immediately by the end of the week. :-o
Am currently looking for a Service Manual in PDF format for the Ventures.
Double-checking every wire on every sled model, seeing where they switch colors in the harness so I can pass the info on to you guys!
Having this information makes it alot easier to install. ;)!
If you can help let me know!
Thanks! :-o

PS Received a call from a dealer today that had purchased 2 units, his customers loved them and he loved them, having happy customers and all...
Gotta love it! :yam:
Shipping to Alaska?

David :yam:
Shipping to Alaska?

David :yam:

Hey David!

Shipping is the same with-in the US.
Apparently the post office doesn't care it's Alaska, and I'm ok with that! lol
Rock :-o
You are one of the few. We are part of the United States but we've had sevral catalog companies want to charge outrageous shipping to us.


David :yam:
Gotta get one of those... All the mechanics in my area speak little or no english... i do but don't know much in mechanics... think it's easy enough to do myself and are there enough pics for me to understand or show to a french speaking mechanic??


2009 Apex LTX GT..

You are one of the few. We are part of the United States but we've had sevral catalog companies want to charge outrageous shipping to us.


David :yam:

You are welcome David, the shipping costs cover my direct shipping costs and what I have to do to get it to you, that doesn't change for me, so I don't think it should change for you just because you live in Alaska! ;)!
