YAMAHEATER Nice Warm Hands for 03 - Current Yamaha 4 Strokes

swelly said:
I am already telling my friends about it. I should have ordered the 2nd for my wife. But she thinks hers work fine. But she has not ridden @ -30F before. Lol

Know how the cold is!
Was riding in -20 or so temps last trip.
My hands were not hot, but they WERE warm!

She may be right though. (Don't tell her I said that! lol) :o| :o| :o|
On some sleds, all the tolerances will fall to the positive and they ARE warm from the factory.
Unfortunately, that isn't the majority of them!

Rock :-o
Warm Hands

I just want to let you all know that I bought three of these and they work great. Hands have never been this warm on my APex. Just like the man says Nice Warm Hands!!!
Same here. I had my first chance to ride last night since installing Rock's controller. WOW!!! It was -8 degrees F when I got home last night and my hands were never cold all night. This is a first. I normally wear gauntlets when below zero, but no more. This is the way the grips should have been from the factory!

i got mine installed today. holy crap!!!!!!!!!! my hands are warm!!!!!!! and with 5 to 10 inches of snow on the way the trails will be open again for a through testing. :-o
Hooked em up and tested them tonight. Plug and play harness for the Nytro is worth the money. Well Done.

I will clean up the wiring in the morning. Promised the kids I would play monopoly with em tonight. That way after I install my trial tank tomorrow, I get to ride on Sunday. Rockmeister you are the Hero. :jump:

Not to mention no more :brrr:

Oh yea, It really went fast. Seems weird to kind of turn up the warmers to turn em down.
Really glad you like guys! :Rockon:

Need some time to get a new one one on mine now! lol

Still have a test unit on it! Laffin
Have sold the one for mine a few times over. LaLaLa

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