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Why not just contact Rockmeister? He'll tell ya what seems to be quickest. For me, it took 12 days using USPS, plus tax $30 at the door. If you go with UPS, you "might" get it a little quicker, however you will be paying another $50 in brokerage fees.
Grimm said:
Why not just contact Rockmeister? He'll tell ya what seems to be quickest. For me, it took 12 days using USPS, plus tax $30 at the door. If you go with UPS, you "might" get it a little quicker, however you will be paying another $50 in brokerage fees.

USP charged me $60 in fees for $57 doller part....ship USPS much cheaper
I ordered mine Nov 11 still waitng USPS not the fastest but you won't get charged when it crosses the border like you would with UPS parcel service.It's usually a pretty good charge 50 to 70 bucks.
Anything that I have had shipped USPS usually comes to me within 5-6 days. I simply won't won't buy from anyone who ships UPS, I refuse to pay brokerage fees which nearly double the pirice of the item purchased...I'll wait the extra few days.
UPS sucks when shipping anything from the US to Canada, in the past I paid more in brokerage fees through UPS than the part was worth!! Never use UPS!! USPS air all the way.
At this point we only use USPS shipping to Canada.
That way you guys don't get dinged by unreal brokerage fees. ;)!

Right now USPS Priority Mail is taking 2 weeks+ to Canada.
(Some less, some more, overall the hold-up is customs.)
EMS (Express Mail Service) via USPS is taking about a week.
(Many times less, and you get reliable tracking.)
If you are in a hurry, Definitely want to ship by EMS! :Rockon:

Hope this helps!

Rockmeister :-o

PS With-in the US, EMS is basically a waste of money, just ship via Priority. Takes just a few days.
(Unless you MUST have it next day.)
PPS Am currently working on setting up a couple distributors with-in Canada, after they are set-up, you will be able to get Warm Hands as fast as the next-day!
Reply sent NLVMAX ;)!

I appreciate that TVBrian, the biggest hassle is customs.
They take forever to process anything.
Beginning to believe they think it is fine wine or cheese, and must be properly aged... lol

Should have a couple brokers set-up soon & have the distributors fully stocked.
That should greatly speed up things to Canada!

Would order same as normal until then, as they aren't stocked yet!

Rockmeister :-o
