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  1. R

    Dealer Prep??

    amprage How many amps did you charge it at. The sealed battery is kinda touchy on this also if they contaminated the battery at all while filling it it can give you some grief. It could just be a bad battery. you are right though it kinda makes you wonder ,What else did they forget? In many...
  2. R

    Dealer Prep??

    actually Dealer prep is built into retail pricing and for ex. they add dealer prep ,freight and a percentage of dealer cost to arrive at the retail price. I hope this answers your question.
  3. R

    Toasted my clutch ouch!

    depends on dealer This is very uncommon but it will depend on your relationship with your dealer. Technically with so little miles it may be considered a manufacturers defect but it is a bushing (which is a wearable item) I guess all you can do is try.
  4. R

    Carb antifreeze leaks and dirty pilot jets

    longshot Dont take this to any offense but the sled has been sitting for six months, and this is not a problem with your sled but rather a problem with your fuel your putting in your sled. One reason why the rx1 may be more suseptable to this problem is because of the size of the holes in the...
  5. R

    Even Yamaha was Stumped

    questions Yamabluerx1 , does this only happen when u have been riding for awhile or does it happen whan the engine is cold?
  6. R

    Need input on clutching

    clutching First if all your looking for is more low end then dont clutch yet first thing I would do would be regear. By regearing it will give you more low end and by not making that big of a change you will not lose too much top end. Looking at the gear chart you now have a 24/ 38 which is a...
  7. R

    Rx1 clutch tool

    try again lets try this again.
  8. R

    Rx1 clutch tool

    close here is the (tech tip)
  9. R

    Why do people cut the tallest tips off 2 1/4" finger tr

    my opinion Hey powder both A and B but generally if the rubber has too much clearance though it means it can stretch at high mph and iterfere w/tunnel. also when ur racin its rotating mass in whitch there is always too much!! :evil: :P
  10. R

    Jack Shaft Bearings

    smokey It would'nt hurt to take the cover off of the bearing under the driven and check them. I've seen them go bad and chew a big hole in the tunnel when the guy kept driving in it. :twisted: If its not bad It woul'nt hurt to carefully pull the seal cover and look for gunk flush it wd or...
  11. R

    need gearing help

    gearing It all depends how much climbing you want to do with the sled. If price is an issue like most of us but u still want to opt for the extra grunt getting up the hills then consider this (bare with me) your stock gear ratio w/shorty is 1.58 and there telling u to go to a 1.73 ratio w a 68...
  12. R

    limitter strap ?

    I agree I agree with RX replace it. I often adjust these in or out to adj how much pulls to one side or another while under power. I hope u have aftermarket skis or it will also turn horribly :x :x I hate it when they push in the corners . :lol:
  13. R

    Hooking up a 12V Power Source??

    The hot leads on the sled Like it was said earlier there is only 40 watts left over from the charging coil on the RX1 small items such as gps's and cell phones wont really affect the unit But Not having enough power for the Digital Ignition can cause some intermittent problems. It is not...
  14. R

    Tipping your RX-1

    Forgot OOh almost forgot the fuel will also leak out of gascap and if you do not have fuel shutoffs it will leak out of the carbs.
  15. R

    Tipping your RX-1

    Also Any Extended period of time will also give the oil more time to leak into cylinders (far left or far right) this usually does not cause too much of a problem except fowling plugs or at worst cause ringwash in any event expect the engine burn the oil in the cylinders and as convert said in...
  16. R

    Clutch Allignment

    Powder blue got me thinking on Yamaha's reasoning for having a floating secondary on the jackshaft and a point I would like to make would be parallelism with the primary clutch. While the primary is said not to move from the factory the tolerances for the clutch allignment is +or- 1.5 mm now...
  17. R

    It's Getting Time.

    Well guys its getting time to get the sleds out and geter runnen for the beloved snow season. I thought I would remind some of you that think fuel stabilizers will prevent their carbs from getting dirty. Their sadly mistaken In some cases I guess. Particularly in the midwest where their using...
  18. R


    actually Actually what I started doing about 2 years ago is filling the carbs with streight 2 stroke oil may cost a set of plugs when your getting ready to ride but it seems you can never get all the fuel out of the carbs without removing them so i just take a surrenge full of yamalube and...
  19. R


    I'm trying to post pic. I have some photos of the research I did in this very issue and cant upload where do I send them? different than last year.this worK?oops telling me its too big Ill shrink them and write a new thread on this tommorrow.
  20. R


    If your from the midwest. I wrote a post on this very issue last year. I also dont want to sound like a smart #*$&@ either but it is your carbs actually the pilot to be precise. In the midwest with oxy fuel stabilizer dos'nt do anything It leaves behind small white crystals which very commonly...
