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Search results

  1. U

    Gas mileage on Apex / Attak

    Last Monday I got 16.7 m.p.g. with my Apex-er.
  2. U

    Update on Darting fix

    In regards to the darting I too had a fair amount of darting on my Apex-er and so I put the Ski-doo ski-savers (for want of a better name) on mine. There were three others in our group that set theirs up the same. The Ski-doo ski-savers along with the Studboy 6" shaper bars worked perfectly...
  3. U

    darting notturning in corners

    Check your toe-in for sure. We had two in our group that were toed-in an inch or better. We aligned them to the track and toed them out correctly, approx. 1/8", and put the Ski-doo ski savers on the ski's. (They fit perfectly by the way.) I haven't had much riding time since because of the...
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    Kudos to Polaris, take a look

    smokeless1 my post was not to attack you in any way so if it was taken that way I apoligize to you. My post really was to point out that Yamaha has been very good to me, and when there were issues they certainly went beyond my expectations as far as resolving these issues. I hope everything gets...
  5. U

    Kudos to Polaris, take a look

    I guess stinx and smokeless1 must have had bad experiences with Yamaha in the past or are just very negative people. I had my inside wheels blow on my Apex the other day. I simply took the wheels to my dealer and asked for the RX-1 wheels as there is a big difference in the quality of the...
  6. U

    Bender's new suspension's for the RX-1's.

    Any results on the suspension yet? Thanks.
  7. U

    Apex GT vs Thunder Cat: Actual Results

    Do you know how many r.p.m.'s the GT was running? I would guess well below 10500. If so when the GT gets some miles on it the others probally won't be close. Thanks for the report.
  8. U

    Bender's new suspension's for the RX-1's.

    I was impressed with what I seen at the show, but I am going to wait until their are some riding reports before I move on it. They did a great job with the finish on it.
  9. U

    Bender's new suspension's for the RX-1's.

    Does any one out there have, and have tried to new Bender suspension that is like the mono-shock suspension. I seen it at the Novi show and would like to get some feed back on how well they work from someone with some seat time on one. I have an 03 RX-1 er and am thinking about up-grading the...
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    I typically got 17 to 18 m.p.g. with my 03 RX-1 after about 3,000 miles.
  11. U

    How does Yamaha measure their replacement windshields?

    Check the part numbers and go from there.
  12. U

    Superman's first ride on the Attak

    I rode my Apex-ER about 12 miles today in my back field along with my friends 05 Mach Z. There was no hesitation or bog of any kind. Could it be that some are having the problem because they have started and stopped there sleds numerous times in there garages to impress there friends and there...
  13. U

    Tall nuts

    Studboy recommends tall nuts with there 1.375 studs. That is what I will be using. I think Studboy,s are as good of quality as any.
  14. U

    Novi Snow Show This weekend

    Thanks Ironviper.
  15. U

    Novi Snow Show This weekend

    Does anyone have the address or directions to the new site for the Novi show? If so please post. Thanks.
  16. U

    How in Bloody heck do they do this???? Apex pricing!!!

    Canook. I should have said 4 additional years for a total of 5 years. I paid $450.00 extra for the additional four years of Y.E.S. warranty from Yamaha.
  17. U

    How in Bloody heck do they do this???? Apex pricing!!!

    I was looking over both my 2003 RX-1er and my 2006 Apex er in my shed last night. There are so many improvements since the 2003's it is incredible. Such as weight reduction, suspension, the e.f.i 150 h.p. engine, storage, rider position, hand and thumb warmers that retain their position when...
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    Handlebar Pack

    It was not advertised with the front nose bag so I would not expect them to furnish it. I think that is why they offered assesory money up front for those that wanted to take advantage of it.
  19. U

    Handlebar Pack

    I also have the handlebar pack. Not sure that I will use it however. The vision retriction of the gauges is the major concern for me. I actually like the looks of it better without the handlebar pack. I assumed the cutout was to allow a little more bulge at the pocket so put it facing the...
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    Studding my Apex

    96 Studboy 1.375 down the middle.
