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07 attak gt turns over won’t start no dash lights

pull a coil and buy a cheap in line spark tester . they sell LED ones at auto parts store for like 5 bucks. make sure you got spark first. then pull off seat double check fuel pump activation. maybe pull off a line and make sure fuel comes out(aim into a milk or antifreeze jug in case it shoots out )
Fuel is working. Looked inside throttle body while turning it over and see fuel mist injecting. Can a spark plug work as a spark tester? Would’ve thought it would’ve at least popped in a cylinder or two if it had spark though.
if you ground the plug threads while connected to coil yes. .......... tester would be safer though as the spark is about 100k volts and might be hard to see since gap is so small
The sled is able to perform its own spark test as well as diagnose every component. Sign up to this site and you can access the procedures.
I thought I was signed up. Is there another level of signing up I’m not aware of? I do know there’s a way for this thing to diagnose itself through the gauge. I just don’t know the button sequence to get into it. And I was really hoping it was going to be a simple thing I missed. I seriously do appreciate all you guys responding. Every little bit of info helps. What a cluster f**k though!! Very frustrating!
all of us get in a bind with diag. thats what this sites is for. everyone helps out and collectively we get our sleds fixed and no the sled will not diagnose itself. lol ...... there is a way to pull trouble codes out and see what they mean but im not sure how. could start a seperate thread or search past ones. but basics first=air .fuel/spark etc.
Sure it can.
The sled can perform its own spark test, sensor readings etc.
I'll post the proceedings tomorrow.
all of us get in a bind with diag. thats what this sites is for. everyone helps out and collectively we get our sleds fixed and no the sled will not diagnose itself. lol ...... there is a way to pull trouble codes out and see what they mean but im not sure how. could start a seperate thread or search past ones. but basics first=air .fuel/spark etc.
Maybe wrong choice of words. Through the gauge you can test every circuit on the machine is what I was told from a pretty knowledgeable guy. Seemed to know what he was talking about and was very familiar with how it worked. It’s got everything except spark or even power to the coils I believe. And no codes appear. So hoping it’s something simple but just have to trace it back to where the issue is. Sled worked flawless before putting it away so I’m pretty sure it was caused by the mice. So far it just looks like grounding wires for different circuits were cut. I just don’t know if something was compromised when the power was turned on with the wires cut. I know one thing. It’s taking a lot of time figuring it out.
i literally took everything apart on mine. only thing left was engine and frame and cooling system etc. inspected thoroughly with all electronics removed. tank and seat removed. all connectors were hanging out and got cleaned and dye electric grease added. not sure how much you took apart. one thing to check also is un plug the red kill switch just incase its messed up. will def cause a crank no start.
might as well toss a starter relay in while your in there also. they sit upside down and collect water and corrode internally. grease new one up
i literally took everything apart on mine. only thing left was engine and frame and cooling system etc. inspected thoroughly with all electronics removed. tank and seat removed. all connectors were hanging out and got cleaned and dye electric grease added. not sure how much you took apart. one thing to check also is un plug the red kill switch just incase its messed up. will def cause a crank no start.
Almost all apart now. Can definitely see or get at almost everything. So far everything looks like it’s intact. I’ll try the kill switch thanks.
might as well toss a starter relay in while your in there also. they sit upside down and collect water and corrode internally. grease new one up
Fully charged and kicking out over 13v. By how fast it turns over it’s a healthy battery. Also load testing puts it at 100%.
im pretty sure that module way up front is the ignition module also.....the one w the fins on it...... that was one of your problem areas....... maybe little bastards chewed something else
Fuel is working. Looked inside throttle body while turning it over and see fuel mist injecting. Can a spark plug work as a spark tester? Would’ve thought it would’ve at least popped in a cylinder or two if it had spark though.
Go into diagnostics mode and scroll to #30. Place a spark plug in cylinder one coil(make sure metal portion of plug is grounded). Push heated grip switch from off to on and plug should spark 5 times.
Go into diagnostics mode and scroll to #30. Place a spark plug in cylinder one coil(make sure metal portion of plug is grounded). Push heated grip switch from off to on and plug should spark 5 times.
How do I get into diagnostics mode? Sorry in advance if that’s a stupid question as it could be in the frequently asked.
