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09 Maine TY Ride

any details yet?? I am a newbie to the Maine TY ride and would love to hook up with some TYer's.. Lets set something up. I have a place in Dexter which is in central maine if we need a rendezvous point.

Well, from the looks of it right now, with all this stupid warm weather and rain, it will most likely have to be towards the end of January. Hopefully this warm weather exits quick and it doesn't get too windy while the warm temps are here. Windy is okay once temps drop below freezing, so it helps dry the snow up and freeze it.

At any rate, I'm hoping we get another big dump, but more importantly, lets get some COLLLLLDDD air in here and have it stay. There's going to be LOTS of washouts and open water out there. They need to freeze up, or else grooming is going to be a real PIA.
Howdy my friends i am heading up to Jackman tomorrow with my dad and few friends, *1/2/09 if anyone wants to meet up for ride this weekend give me a PM and i can give you my cell number. I am staying at Long pond camps and the place i am in there is 4 extra beds and they get $30 a night a person if you need somewhere to stay figured id put the word out cause they got some more snow up there from what i hear. and trails last weekend were mint.
Was just up that way, but didn't read this message in time!

We made a trip from Solon to Jackman and then back to Solon...

Riding was great and we about 220-230 on Sat. We left from Solon at around 8ish and headed up to the Forks over 86 to 89, up to Jackman. Left Jackman and took Long Pond Trail over to 88 then rode down to 87. We rode 87 to Bingham and back to Solon. Left at 8 am and got back at 10 pm. Loooonnnnng day but what a time!

Had my kill switch decapitated by a stupid branch sticking out in the trail. Totally didn't see it as it was pitch black of night (happened around 630ish) and the sled just shut right down. What a bitch that was trying to work in the cold...Had to pull off the whole throttle handlebar assembly and access the kill switch...Ended up pulling it back up and put everything back together again.

Then about 2 hours later, had an awesome crash! Amazingly I, nor the sled, got hurt...

Went off the trail from hitting a sharp corner...number of factors...1 ICE! 2 Speed...I hit the corner, then the sled started pushing and wouldn't turn then the runners grabbed and the inside ski lifted...I tried to bring it back down by hitting the brake to level it off...Well, that did and combining that w/ turned handlebars, it sent the sled now onto the opposite side w/ one ski in the air!...Tried to bring it around again and I ended up having to ditch it cuz it started goign into a barrel roll and then it was all over after that...The thing amazingly did a nose dive right into the ditch and went completely vertical then spun around while on its front end and landed perfectly upright as you see it, facing the opposite way! What a spill that was...Amazingly I didn't get hurt, nor did the sled! Sled was still running, but probably becuase my kill switch was decapitated!
05_RX1 I most likely crossed paths with you saturday we went into town than back out to the long pond loop out to demo yard out to rockwood to the birches than up 66 to the northeast carrie trail than back to jackman. I saw a few RX-1s I was riding my white and black XTX its moded you would probally remember it if you saw it. It doesnt look stock. Ill be going back up to Jackman next weekend if anyone want to go! and if you need a place to stay i can hook you up with a place and Long pond camps let me know.
pm me if you need a throttle block.
glad to hear your all right.

Is anyone setting up a maine ride this year?

I heard a rumor you might have an apex for me this year if I blow up the kitty again.
Apex & RTX...Didn't see you, although I may have crossed paths w/ you!

We got to J-town around 130ish...Had lunch, then went to Jackman Power Sports to pick up a few things. Got back out on the trail around 3 and headed over to Long Pond.

On Wednesday, I'm headed up to the County and staying in Fort Fairfield till Sunday. Probably going to be riding all over and hopefully conditions will get better w/ the anticipated snow event heading in.

On another note, my kill switch that was ripped off my 08 Vector LTX GT...I'm thinking I may just want to leave it off and not have to worry about it. Is there a safe way to disconnect the wires that go to the kill switch itself? My goal is to be able to start and turn off the sled with only the key; just like a car. Less crap to worry about!
Another Jackman trip this weekend anyone going that would like to meet up for a ride let me know!! like i said before where i stay has extra beds they charge 30 a night a person or they might even have a cabin open so let me now i can call for you :Rockon:
Hey guys i have a big group of friend heading up to Jackman this weekend if anyone is intersted itll be a good time! i probally sound like a broken record but i can get cabins if you need somewhere to stay
kcusscam said:
Did I miss the date in the conversation or did this just kind of fizzle out?
There is no date yet i have been trying to get acouple small rides together not much feed back we need to get something togather soon!! i hear all the talk from the guys in NY and Muni and out Canada doing big rides we need to get something togather to show we can have as much fun and party it up like them over here in New England! :Rockon:
Just as a side note I am taking most of the month of February off to ride; except for thursday (teach a class except for the 19th vacation week) and plan on doing some over night trips (ride to one location spend the night ride to another; etc) if any body else is interested in going on any days in particular (most days will be between 180-340 miles).
